- mattpete@uwm.edu
- 414-229-3448
- Engineering and Mathematical Sciences 367
Matthew Petering
- Associate Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
While Dr. Petering’s academic career has kept him in the Midwest (Washington University in St. Louis, University of Michigan, UW-Milwaukee), his research has affected the commerce of the entire globe. His work on seaport container transshipment terminals, high-speed train scheduling, and material handling has streamlined transportation and warehousing systems around the world. His research on logistics and supply chain management has combined the ever-changing world of business with the hard science of engineering.
- PhD, Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, 2007
- MS, Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, 2003
- BA, Mathematics, Washington University in Saint Louis, 1999
Research Interests
Political redistricting, university course scheduling, operations research, discrete event simulation, math programming, logistics, transportation, ocean and rail container shipping, material handling systems, supply chain management, manufacturing
Court Documents Filed
- "The FastMap algorithm is the best solution to Wisconsin legislative redistricting," amicus curiae brief submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission (case number 2023AP1399), November 8, 2023.
- Motion for leave to submit a Wisconsin legislative map proposal to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, January 12, 2024.
- Wisconsin legislative map proposal 173#008 created by the FastMap algorithm, submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, January 12, 2024.
- Expert report of amicus Dr. Matthew Petering in support of Wisconsin legislative map proposal 173#008 created by the FastMap algorithm submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, January 12, 2024.
- "The Wisconsin Supreme Court's January 17, 2024 decision to disqualify Wisconsin legislative map proposal 173#008 on procedural grounds leaves the Court with six remaining map proposals, none of which perform as well as proposal 173#008" amicus curiae brief submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, January 22, 2024.
- "A comprehensive analysis shows that proposal 173#008 is the best of the seven map proposals submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on January 12, 2024" amicus curiae brief submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, February 8, 2024.
Board Games Published
- Distrix, M.E.H. Petering, Distrix Games (2020). Best Abstract Game at the 2021 UK Games Expo (Judges' Award Winner). Silver medal winner at the 2020 Serious Play Tabletop Game Competition.
Books Published
- The Distrix Puzzle Book, M.E.H. Petering, Distrix Games (2020). Winner, Spring 2021 Academics' Choice Smart Book Award.
Awards and Honors
- "The FastMap redistricting algorithm: Promoting fair elections with optimized political districts," M.E.H. Petering (2024). First place winner, practitioner track, 2024 INFORMS poster competition.
Unpublished Papers
- "High-precision, fair university course scheduling during a pandemic," M.E.H. Petering and M. Khamechian, completed June 16, 2023.
Journal Publications
- "Learning with supervised data for anomaly detection in smart manufacturing," M. He, M.E.H. Petering, P. LaCasse, W. Otieno, and F. Maturana, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2023.2177747.
- "A Mathematical Modeling Approach to University Course Planning," M. Khamechian and M.E.H. Petering, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 168 (2022), article number 107855.
- "Responsive production planning and replenishment consolidation scheduling for a two-echelon supply chain," S. Alavi, M.E.H. Petering, and A. Ross, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 48 (2024), 508-531.
- “Real-time location-positioning technologies for managing cart operations at a distribution facility,” C.-H. Cheng, Y.-H. Kuo, H. Lam, and M.E.H. Petering, Applied Sciences, 11 (2021), article number 4049.
- "The multi-spreader crane scheduling problem: partitions and supersequences,” C.T. Cheng, M.E.H. Petering, and Y. Wu, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 289 (2021), 207–218.
- “Inventory control with flexible demand: cyclic case with multiple batch supply and demand processes,” M.E.H. Petering, X. Chen, and W.-H. Hsieh, International Journal of Production Economics, 212 (2019), 60-77.
- “The two-echelon open location routing problem: mathematical model and hybrid heuristic,” K. Pichka, A.H. Bajgiran, M.E.H. Petering, J. Jang, and X. Yue, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 121 (2018), 97-112.
- “A survey of dial-a-ride problems: literature review and recent developments,” S.C. Ho, W.Y. Szeto, Y.-H. Kuo, J.M.Y. Leung, M.E.H. Petering, and T.W.H. Tou, Transportation Research B, 111 (2018), 395-421.
- “Discrete event simulation analysis of a reservation-based, one-way car sharing system,” L. Li and M.E.H. Petering, Journal of Simulation, 12 (2018) 1-22.
- “Sequencing dual-spreader crane operations: mathematical formulation and heuristic algorithm,” S. Lashkari, Y. Wu, and M.E.H. Petering, European Journal of Operational Research, 262 (2017) 521-534.
- "Real-time container storage location assignment at a seaport container transshipment terminal: dispersion levels, yard templates, and sensitivity analyses," M.E.H. Petering, Y. Wu, W. Li, M. Goh, R. de Souza, and K.G. Murty, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 29 (2017) 369-402.
- "Strategic evacuation planning with pedestrian guidance and bus routing: a mixed integer programming model and heuristic solution," M. Heydar, J. Yu, Y. Liu, and M.E.H. Petering, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50 (2016) 1314-1335.
- "Mixed integer programming for railway capacity analysis and cyclic, combined train timetabling and platforming," M.E.H. Petering, M. Heydar, and D. Bergmann, Transportation Science, 50 (2016) 892-909.
- "Scheduling multiple yard cranes with crane interference and safety distance requirement," Y. Wu, W. Li, M.E.H. Petering, M. Goh, and R. de Souza, Transportation Science, 49 (2015), 990-1005.
- "Simulation analysis of hospital intensive care unit reimbursement policies from the triple bottom line perspective," M.E.H. Petering, O.T. Aydas, K. Kuzu, and A. Ross, Journal of Simulation, 9 (2015), 86-98.
- "Real-time container storage location assignment at an RTG-based seaport container transshipment terminal: problem description, control system, simulation model, and penalty scheme experimentation," M.E.H. Petering, Flexible Services and Manufacturing, 27 (2015), 351-381.
- "Mixed integer programming for minimizing the period of a cyclic railway timetable for a single track with two train types," M. Heydar, M.E.H. Petering, and D. Bergmann, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 66 (2013), 171-185.
- "A new mixed integer program and extended look-ahead heuristic algorithm for the block relocation problem," M.E.H. Petering and M.I.J. Hussein, European Journal of Operational Research, 231 (2013), 120-130.
- "A continuous time model for multiple yard crane scheduling with last minute job arrivals," W. Li, M. Goh, Y. Wu, M.E.H. Petering, R. de Souza, and Y.C. Wu, International Journal of Production Economics, 136 (2012) 332-343.
- "Decision support for yard capacity, fleet composition, truck substitutability, and scalability issues at seaport container terminals via discrete event simulation," M.E.H. Petering, Transportation Research E, 47 (2011) 85-103.
- "Development and simulation analysis of real-time, dual-load yard truck control systems for seaport container transshipment terminals," M.E.H. Petering, OR Spectrum, 32 (2010) 633-661.
- "Effect of block width and storage yard layout on marine container terminal performance," M.E.H. Petering, Transportation Research E, 45 (2009) 591-610.
- "Development and simulation analysis of real-time yard crane control systems for seaport container transshipment terminals," M.E.H. Petering, Y. Wu, W. Li, M. Goh, and R. de Souza, OR Spectrum, 31 (2009) 801-835.
- "Discrete time model and algorithms for container yard crane scheduling," W. Li, Y. Wu, M.E.H. Petering, M. Goh, and R. de Souza, European Journal of Operational Research, 198 (2009) 165-172.
- "Effect of block length and yard crane deployment systems on overall performance at a seaport container transshipment terminal," M.E.H. Petering and K.G. Murty, Computers and Operations Research, 36 (2009) 1711-1725.
- "Performance analysis of a multiple vehicle tandem system with inter-vehicle buffers and blocking," M.E.H. Petering, J. Seo, and C. Lee, Computers in Industry, 58 (2007) 3-11.
Public Presentations
Wisconsin State Bar seminar "Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case" Session II: Map Creation & Comparison (May 13, 2024)This seminar consists of one live presentation + webcast on May 13, 2024 and eight repeat webcasts from May to August 2024. Click here for more details.
- Comparison of the seven map proposals submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Jan. 12, 2024 (April 4, 2024)
In this 8-minute YouTube video, Dr. Petering describes the Wisconsin Supreme Court case Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission; his development of the FastMap redistricting algorithm in anticipation of this case; and the performance of the seven map proposals submitted to the court on January 12, 2024. A detailed analysis shows that Dr. Petering's FastMap proposal significantly outperformed the other six proposals. - "An Algorithmic Approach to Redistricting in Michigan." A presentation to the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (2021-07-22).In this presentation (beginning at 1:12:00 in the YouTube video), Dr. Petering shows fair maps of Michigan's state house, state senate, and congressional districts made by his FastMap computer algorithm (from 3:03:00 to 3:29:00) and explains how the FastMap algorithm handles all seven redistricting criteria mentioned in the Michigan Constitution (from 1:19:30 to 2:29:00).
- "Fair Maps or Gerrymandered Maps?" A virtual town hall event on redistricting and gerrymandering hosted by Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson (2021-04-26).In this YouTube video, Dr. Petering discusses the trade-offs involved in redistricting decisions and shows Wisconsin fair maps created by his computer algorithm (from 09:08 to 51:40). He also demonstrates the "Distrix-Mini" strategy game (from 1:20:00 to 1:29:45).
News Coverage
- May 10, 2024, Redistricted: Making sense of new maps (Spectrum 1 TV News) (Dr. Petering's segment starts at 14:58)
- Feb. 19, 2024, The Milwaukee suburb expected to see the biggest change after redistricting (TMJ4 Milwaukee 6 O'Clock News)
- Feb. 14, 2024, Should Evers sign redistricting bill? (Urban Milwaukee)
- Feb. 7, 2024, Supreme Court should have consultants draw new district maps (Urban Milwaukee)
- Feb. 2, 2024, Why GOP redistricting gambit failed (Urban Milwaukee)
- Jan. 29, 2024, Could an algorithm be the solution to Wisconsin's gerrymandering problem? (WUWM Milwaukee 89.7 Lake Effect radio program)
- Jan. 17, 2024, Ranking The 7 Proposed Legislative Maps (Urban Milwaukee)
- Jan. 15, 2024, Seven new redistricting maps to be considered by the Wisconsin Supreme Court (TMJ4 Milwaukee)
- Jan. 13, 2024, Proposed legislative maps would mostly reduce Republican majority. Here's how they differ. (Wisconsin State Journal)
- Jan. 12, 2024, Wisconsin Supreme Court receives 7 sets of proposed legislative maps in gerrymandering case (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
- Jan. 10, 2024, Lawmakers are redrawing Wisconsin’s legislative map. How does this computer-generated version compare to one drawn by committee? (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel front-page article)
- Dec. 27, 2023, The State Supreme Court Minority's View of Gerrymandering (Urban Milwaukee)
- Dec. 12, 2023, UW-Milwaukee professor creates computer algorithm to take humans out of redistricting process (TMJ4 Milwaukee 6 O'Clock News)
- Dec. 7, 2023, Can We Get Fair Political Districts in Wisconsin? (Shepherd Express)
- Nov. 29, 2023, How the Gerrymander Wastes Votes (Urban Milwaukee)
- Oct. 4, 2023, Why That 'Iowa' Redistricting Plan Was Unfair (Urban Milwaukee)
- Oct. 1, 2023,
Redistricting maps by humans gerrymandered Wisconsin. Powerful algorithms could do better. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sunday print edition, opinion section main story)