![William Musinski](https://uwm.edu/engineering/wp-content/uploads/sites/537/2022/08/William-Musinski-300-x-350.png)
- musinski@uwm.edu
- Engineering and Mathematical Sciences EMS 910D
William Musinski
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
Dr. Musinski is an expert in the mechanical behavior of materials at the microstructure scale. His research interests center around the validation of advanced constitutive models for deformation, additive manufacturing processing and solidification, residual stress formation, microstructure evolution, fatigue crack initiation and small crack growth at the microstructural scale. He utilizes high temperature and micro-mechanical testing, high-energy diffraction microscopy, post-mortem fracture surface characterization, and serial sectioning to validate his microstructure-based modeling efforts.
Dr. Musinski welcomes undergraduate, masters and doctoral students to join his research group. For more information, please email him at musinski@uwm.edu.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
- MS, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010
- BS, Mechanical Engineering, Western Michigan University, 2006
Research interests
- Microstructure-Based Modeling
- Fatigue
- Additive Manufacturing
- Micromechanics
Selected Publications
- Banerjee A., Rossin J., He M.-R., Musinski W.D., Shade P.A., Cox M.E., Schwalbach E.J., Pollock T., Hemker K.J., Decoupling build orientation-induced geometric and texture effects on the mechanical response of additively manufactured IN625 thin-walled elements, Mat Sci Eng A, 870, 144826:1-11, 2023.
- Maruyama B., Hattrick-Simpers J., Musinski W.D., Graham-Brady L., Li K., Hollenbach J., Singh A., Taheri M.L., Artificial intelligence for materials research at extremes. MRS Bulletin, 47, 1154-1164, 2022.
- Banerjee A., He M.-R., Musinski W.D., Shade P.A., Cox M.E., Schwalbach E.J., Hemker K.J., Effect of stress-relief heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical response of additively manufactured IN625 thin-walled elements. Mat Sci Eng A, 846, 143288:1-9, 2022.
- Musinski W.D., Shade P.A., Pagan D.C., Bernier J.V., Statistical aspects of grain-level strain evolution during the heating and elastic-plastic loading of a Ni-base superalloy at elevated temperature. Materialia, 16, 101063, 2021.
- Menasche D.B., Shade P.A., Safriet S., Kenesei P., Park J.-S., Musinski W.D., Deep Learning Approaches to Semantic Segmentation of Fatigue Cracking within Cyclically Loaded Nickel Superalloy. Comp Mat Sci, 198, 110683:1-13, 2021.
- Chuang A.C., Park J.-S., Shade P.A., Schwalbach E.J., Groeber M.A., Musinski W.D., AFRL Additive Manufacturing Modeling Series: Challenge 1, Characterization of residual strain distribution in additively-manufactured metal parts using energy dispersive diffraction. IMMI, 10, 525-541, 2021.
- Brockman R.A., Hoffman R.M., Golden P.J., Musinski W.D., Jha S.K., John R., A computational framework for microstructural crack propagation. Int J Fatigue, 152, 106397:1-12, 2021.
- Boyce D., Shade P.A., Musinski W.D., Obstalecki M., Pagan D.C., Bernier J.V., Turner T.J., Estimation of anisotropic elastic moduli from high energy X-Ray data and finite element simulations. Materialia, 12, 100795, 2020.
- Shade P.A., Musinski W.D., Obstalecki M., Pagan D.C., Beaudoin A.J., Bernier J.V., Turner T.J., Exploring new links between crystal plasticity models and high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy. COSSMS, 23, 5, 100763, 2019.
- Musinski W.D., McDowell D.L. Simulating the effect of grain boundaries on microstructurally small fatigue crack growth from a focused ion beam notch through a three-dimensional array of grains. Acta Materialia, 112, 20-39, 2016.
- Castelluccio G.M., Musinski W.D., McDowell D.L. Computational micromechanics of fatigue of microstructures in the HCF-VHCF regimes. Int J Fatigue, 93-2, 387-396, 2016.
- Musinski W.D., McDowell D.L. On the eigenstrain application of shot-peened residual stresses within a crystal plasticity framework: Application to Ni-base superalloy specimens. Int J Mech Sci, 100, 195-208, 2015.
- Castelluccio G.M., Musinski W.D., McDowell D.L. Recent developments in assessing microstructure-sensitive early stage fatigue of polycrystals. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 18, 180-187, 2014.
- Przybyla C.P., Musinski W.D., Castelluccio G.M., McDowell D.L. Microstructure-sensitive HCF and VHCF simulations. Int J Fatigue, 57, 9-27, 2013.
- Musinski W.D., McDowell D.L. Microstructure-sensitive probabilistic modeling of HCF crack initiation and early crack growth in Ni-base superalloy IN100 notched components. Int J Fatigue, 37, 41-53, 2012.