Yang Li

Yang Li

  • Research Associate, Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation

See Yang Li's personal website here.

  • Conduct research projects focusing on the field of transportation, including traffic safety analysis, road user behaviors, transportation big data, and data analytics
  • Involved in several local/national level research projects and support proposal preparations, including NCHRP 22-47 “Incorporating Driver Behavior and Characteristics into Safety Prediction Methods”, NCHRP 08-139 “Guide for Preventing and Mitigating the Risk of Bridge and Tunnel Strikes by Motor Vehicles”, and NCHRP 20-44(48) “Peer Exchanges on Data Management and Governance Practices”
  • Support the management and operation of IPIT, including the regular staff meeting and the maintenance of the website


  • PhD, Transportation Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, December 2020
  • MS, Civil Engineering/Transportation Engineering, Clemson University, May 2017
  • MS, Industrial Engineering, Clemson University, May 2015
  • BS, Civil Engineering/Geological Engineering, Tongji University, July 2010

Research Focus

  • Vulnerable Road Users (i.e., Pedestrians & Bicyclists) Safety Analysis
  • Crash Injury Severity & Count Modeling
  • Transportation Network Design & Modeling
  • Data Management and Data Governance

Selected Publications

  1. Li, Y., Fan, W., Song, L., & Liu, S. (2023). Combining emerging hotspots analysis with XGBoost for modeling pedestrian injuries in pedestrian-vehicle crashes: a case study of North Carolina. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-23.
  2. Song, L., Fan, W. D., & Li, Y. (2021). Time-of-day variations and the temporal instability of multi-vehicle crash injury severities under the influence of alcohol or drugs after the Great Recession. Analytic Methods in Accident Research32, 100183. [IF: 14.556, rank 1st in Transportation Science]
  3. Li, Y., & Fan, W. D. (2021). Bi-level optimization of long-term highway work zone scheduling considering elastic demand. Smart and Resilient Transport.
  4. Liu, S., Fan, W. D., & Li, Y. (2021). Injury severity analysis of rollover crashes for passenger cars and light trucks considering temporal stability: A random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in mean and variance. Journal of safety research.
  5. Li, Y., Song L., & Fan, W. D. (2021). Day-of-week variations and the temporal instability of factors influencing pedestrian injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle crashes: a random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in means and variances. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 29, [IF: 14.556, rank 1st in Transportation Science]
  6. Li, Y., & Fan, W D. (2021). Optimizing Transit Equity and Accessibility of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, by Integrating Transit Gap Index, a General Transit Feed Specification Data-Relevant Performance Metric. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems147(4).
  7. Li, Y., & Fan, W. D. (2020). Modeling and evaluating public transit equity and accessibility by integrating general transit feed specification data: case study of the City of Charlotte. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems146(10). [Featured as Editor’s Choice]
  8. Song, L., Li, Y., Fan, W. D., & Wu, P. (2020). Modeling pedestrian-injury severities in pedestrian-vehicle crashes considering spatiotemporal patterns: insights from different hierarchical Bayesian random-effects models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 28, 100137. [IF: 14.556, rank 1st in Transportation Science]
  9. Li, Y., & Fan, W. (2020). Mixed logit approach to modeling the severity of pedestrian-injury in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in North Carolina: Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-22.
  10. Li, Y., & Fan, W. D. (2019). Modelling severity of pedestrian-injury in pedestrian-vehicle crashes with latent class clustering and partial proportional odds model: a case study of North Carolina. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 131, 284–296

Awards and Certifications

  • 2022 Outstanding Reviewer (2023): American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems