- huy@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8830
- Engineering & Mathematical Sciences 1185
Yi Hu
- Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
- Department Chair, Electrical Engineering
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
Hu’s work on cochlear implants hopes to greatly improve the hearing of profoundly deaf individuals. His most recent work is in the use of modern digital signal processor units in real-world personal sound amplification devices that work like hearing aids.
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Dec. 2003
- MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Jul. 2000
- BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Jul. 1997
Research Interests
- Development of noise reduction algorithms for cochlear implants
- Development of fitting methods for hearing aids
- Development of Smartphone apps for clinical applications
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2009). “Toward restoring speech intelligibility in noise,” 2009 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, invited talk, July 12 - 17, Lake Tahoe, California.
- G. Kim, Y. Lu, Y. Hu, and P. Loizou (2009), An algorithm that improves speech intelligibility in noise, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, in press.
- J. Ma, Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2009), Objective measures for predicting speech intelligibility in noisy conditions, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(5), 3387-3405.
- P. Loizou, Y. Hu, R. Litovsky, G. Yu, R. Peters, J. Lake and P. Roland (2009), Speech recognition by bilateral cochlear implant users in a cocktail party setting, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(1), 372-383.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2008), A new sound coding strategy for suppressing noise in cochlear implants, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(1), 498-509.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2008), Evaluation of objective quality measures for speech enhancement, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 16(1), 229-238.
- Y. Hu, P. Loizou, N. Li and K. Kasturi (2007), Use of a sigmoidal-shaped function for noise attenuation in cochlear implants, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(4), 128-134.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2007), A comparative intelligibility study of single-microphone noise reduction algorithms, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(3), 1777-1786.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2007), Subjective comparison and evaluations of speech enhancement methods, Speech Communication, Special issue on Speech Enhancement, 49(7), 588-601.
- P. Loizou, A. Lobo, and Y. Hu (2005), Subspace algorithms for noise reduction in cochlear implants, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(5), 2791-2793.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2004), Incorporating a psychoacoustical model in frequency domain speech enhancement, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Feb., 11(2), 270-273.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2004), Speech enhancement based on wavelet thresholding the multitaper spectrum, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, Jan., 12(1), 59-67.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2003), A perceptually motivated approach for speech enhancement, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, Sep., 11(5), 457-465.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2003), A generalized subspace approach for enhancing speech corrupted by colored noise, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, Jul., 11(4), 334-341.
- Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2002), A subspace approach for enhancing speech corrupted by colored noise, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Jul., 9(7), 204-206.