Alan Horowitz

Alan Horowitz

  • Professor Emerit, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

 Dr. Horowitz has worked extensively on the social and environmental impacts of transportation development. His research has involved topics such as travel forecasting, transportation planning and design and evaluation of large-scale transportation systems. Among many pragmatic applications, his research has delved into the efficiency of toll booths, vehicle on-ramps and driver behavior at traffic controls. He is the director of the university’s Center for Urban Transportation Studies.


  • Ph.D., Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles, 1974
  • M.S., Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 1970
  • B.S., Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 1970

 Research Focus:

  • Transportation engineering.
  • Transportation planning.
  • Travel forecasting.
  • Driver behavior at traffic controls.
  • Design and evaluation of large scale transportation systems.
  • Social and environmental impacts of transportation systems.


  • CDM Smith, Alan Horowitz, Thomas Creasy, Ram Pendayala, Mei Chen, Analytical Travel Forecasting Approaches for Project Level Planning and Design, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report #765, 2014 (in press).
  • Qinfen Mei, Mazen I. Hussein, Alan J. Horowitz, “Establishing Values of Time for Freight Trucks in Order to Better Understand the Impact of Toll Policies”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2344, 2013, pp. 135-143.
  • Alan J. Horowitz and Sam Granato, “Practical Considerations in Implementing Travel Time Reliability in Regionwide Travel Forecasting”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2302, 2012, pp.184–191.
  • William J. Melendez and Alan J. Horowitz, “The Transshipment Problem in Travel Forecasting: Tour Structures Model”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2255, 2011, pp 48-57.
  • Alan J. Horowitz, Origin-Destination Table Disaggregation Using Biproportional Least Squares Estimation, Transportation, Vol. 37, pp. 689-703, 2010.
  • Xia Jin and Alan J. Horowitz, “Transferability of Time-of-Day Choice Modeling for Long-Distance Trips”, in Transportation Statistics, ed. Brian W. Sloboda J. Ross Publishing, Inc, 2009, pp. 249-261.
  • Jingcheng Wu, Xia Jin, Alan J. Horowitz and Daqing Gong, “Experiment to Improve Estimation of Vehicle Queue Length at Metered On-ramps”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2099, 2009, pp.38-38.
  • Xia Jin and Alan J. Horowitz, “Time-of-Day Choice Modeling for Long-Distance Trips,” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2076, 2008, pp. 200-208. 

 Honors and Awards:

  • Fellow, ITE; Tau Beta Pi; Outstanding Research Award (CEAS) 

Community Involvement: