- rghose@uwm.edu
- Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Rina Ghose
- Professor, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
- Geospatial Data Science Lab
Dr. Ghose advances environmental and social equity and justice through geodata analytics and community engaged research.
- PhD Geography, 1998, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- MA, Geography, 1993, University of Montana
- BA in Geography (Honors), 1988, University of Calcutta (India)
Research Interests
- Geospatial technologies, Georeferenced Data, Cartography and GIScience, Science and Technology Studies
- Public Participation GIS, Citizen Science, Volunteer Geographic Information
- Human-Environmental Interactions
- Population and Health
- Urban Policy and Planning
Selected Publications
- Forati, A., Ghose, R., Mohebbi, F. and Mantsch, J. (2023) The Journey to Overdose: Using Spatial Social Network Analysis as a Novel Framework to Study Geographic Discordance in Overdose Deaths. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 245.
- Ghose, R., Forati, A. and Mantsch, J. (2022) Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Opioid Overdose Deaths: A Spatiotemporal Analysis. Journal of Urban Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-022-00610-0
- Forati, A. and Ghose, R.(2022) Examining Community Vulnerabilities through Multi-Scale Geospatial Analysis of Social Media Activity during Hurricane Irma. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 68, 102701, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102701
- Ghose, R. (2021) Justice and the American City. Urban Geography Journal. 42 (10): 1406-1409. https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2021.1940713
- Ghose, R. and Johnson, P. (2020) Smart Citizens Creating Smart Cities: Locating Citizen Participation in the Smart City. The Canadian Geographer, vol.64, no. 340-343
- Forati, A. and Ghose, R. (2021) Geospatial Analysis of Misinformation in COVID-19 related Tweets. Applied Geography, 133, 102473.
- Forati, A., Ghose, R. and Mantsch, J. (2021) Examining Opioid Overdose Deaths Across Communities Defined by Racial Composition: A Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Approach. Journal of Urban Health. 98 (4): 451-562. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-021-00554-x
- Pettygrove M. and Ghose, R. (2018) From “Rust Belt” to “Fresh Coast”: Remaking the City through Food Justice and Urban Agriculture. Annals of the AAG, vol. 108, no. 2, 591-602.
- Ghose, R. and Welcenbach, T.(2018) ‘Power to the People’ Contesting Urban Poverty and Power Inequities through Open GIS. The Canadian Geographer, vol. 62, no. 1, 67-80.
- Ghose, R. (2017) Public Participation GIS. International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, Technology. Edited by the Association of American Geographers (John Wiley), Vol. X, pp. 5403-54013.
- Kar, B., Sieber, R., Haklay, M. and Ghose, R. (2016). Public Participation GIS and Participatory GIS in the Era of GeoWeb. Cartographic Journal, vol. 53, no.4, 296-299.
- Pettygrove, M. and Ghose, R. (2016) Community Engaged GIS for Urban Food Justice Research. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, vol.7, no.1, 16-29.
- Ghose, R. and Pettygrove, M. (2014) Actors and Networks in Urban Community Gardens. Geoforum vol. 53, 93–103
- Ghose, R. and Pettygrove, M. (2014) Urban Community Gardens as Spaces of Citizenship. Antipode vol. 46, no. 4, 1092-1112.
- Day, P. and Ghose, R. (2012) E-Planning through the Wisconsin Land Information Program: The Contexts of Power, Politics and Scale. International Journal of E-Planning Research, vol. 1, no. 1, 75-89.
- Mukherjee, F. and Ghose, R. (2009) Complexities in GIS Spatial Knowledge Production in Dane County, Wisconsin. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol. 36, no. 4, 299-314.
- Lin, W. and Ghose, R. (2008) Complexities in Sustainable Provision of GIS for Urban Grassroots Organizations. Cartographica vol.43, no.1.
- Ghose, R. (2007) Politics of Scale and Networks of Association in PPGIS, Environment and Planning A vol. 39. 1961-1980.
- Ghose, R. (2005) Complexities of Citizen Participation through Collaborative Governance. Space and Polity, vol. 9, no.1, 61-75.
- Ghose, R. and W.E. Huxhold. (2004) Role of Multi-Scalar GIS-based Indicators Studies in Formulating Neighborhood Planning Policies. Book chapter in “Community Indicators Measuring Systems”, edited by Rhonda Phillips (Ashgate Publishing Ltd.), p.157-177.
- Ghose, R. (2004) Big Sky or Big Sprawl? Rural Gentrification and the Changing Cultural Landscapes of Missoula, Montana, Urban Geography, vol. 25, no. 6, 528-549.
- Ghose, R. (2003) Investigating Community Participation, Spatial Knowledge Production and GIS Use in Inner City Revitalization. Journal of Urban Technology, 10(1), 39-60.
- Adams, P. and Ghose, R. (2003) India.com: Construction of a Space Between. Progress in Human Geography, no. 27, 414-437.
- Ghose, R. (2001) Use of Information Technology for Community Empowerment: Transforming Geographic Information System into Community Information Systems. Transactions in GIS, vol. 5, no.2, 141-163.
Community Involvement
- Social Development Commission
- Project WisHope
- Milwaukee Urban Gardens
- Groundwork Milwaukee
- Urban Ecology Center
- Harambee Community
- Metcalfe Park