Edward Beimborn
- Professor Emerit, Civil and Environmental Engineering
A Milwaukee native and the recipient of many honors and awards, Dr. Beimborn has studied transportation and traffic patterns all over the globe. He has served on numerous transportation and planning boards. Now retired, he still believes strongly that federal, state and local policy are deeply affected by research in public transportation – particularly land use and transit, benefit assessment and travel choice.
- PhD Civil Engineering Northwestern
- MS Civil Engineering Northwestern
- BS Civil Engineering UW-Madison
Research Focus:
- Transportation Planning
- Public Transport
- Environmental assessment
- “An Examination of the Process of Innovation at Transit Agencies” Transportation Research Board Record 1986, with Linda Hikichi, 2007
- “Sensitivity Analysis of Factors Affecting Road Widening Thresholds”, Institute of Transportation Engineers 2006 Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, with Carlos Alba, August, 2006
- “Analysis of the Effects of Local Street Connectivity on Arterial Traffic” Transportation Research Board, 2005 annual meeting CD-ROM (peer reviewed), with Carlos Alba
- “Highways and Transit: Leveling the Playing Field in Federal Transportation Policy” Brookings Institute Transportation Reform Series, December, 2003 with Robert Puentes, reprinted as a chapter in “Taking the High Road”, Brookings Press, ISBN 0-8157-4827-2, 2005
- “Accessibility, Connectivity and Captivity: Impacts on Transit Choice” Transportation Research Board Record 1835, with M. Greenwald and Xia Jin, December 2003, pp 1-9
- “Engineer in Residence: A Strategy for Increasing Relevance in Transportation Education”, Transportation Research Board Record 1848, with D. Pritchard, December 2003, pp 45-50
- Book Review: “Transportation for Livable Cities” by Vukan Vuchic for ASCE Transportation Engineering Journal, Summer, 2003
- “Transit User Perceptions of Automatic Vehicle Location System Benefits” Transportation Research Board, Record 1791, with Z. Peng and Danlin Yu, pp127-133
- “Travel Demand Modeling”, Appendix A of NCHRP report 456 “Guidebook for Assessing the Social and Economic Effects of Transportation Projects”, Transportation Research Board, 2001
- “Breakeven Analysis for Statewide Intelligent Transportation Systems Project Identification and Assessment Transportation Research Record 1777, December 2001
- "A Framework and Methods for Evaluation of Benefits of Intelligent Transportation Systems", eProceedings CD-ROM), 6th International Conference on Advanced Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation Engineering, Singapore, June, 2000, Paper #1093, with Z. Peng and M. Neluheni
- "Benefit Analysis of Automated Vehicle Location Systems for Small Transit Agencies", eProceedings (CD-ROM), 6th International Conference on Advanced Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation Engineering, Singapore, June, 2000, Paper #1094, also appeared in Papers from Institute of Transportation Engineers, District IV Annual Conference, Chicago, July, 2000, with Z. Peng, R. Zygowicz and S. Octania.
Honors and Awards
- Engineer of the year - Engineers and Scientists of Milwaukee
- Spaights Plaza Award, UW MIlwaukee
- Distinguished Service, Transportation Research Board
- Distinguished Service, Institute of Transportation Engineers
Community Involvement
- Former elected town board member, numerous city, county advisory panels.
- City of Milwaukee Smart Growth Advisory Committee 2005-2008.
- Ozaukee County, Smart Growth Citizens Advisory Committee, Chair, 2003-2008.
- Town of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, Chair of park commission 1998-2008.
- Elected Supervisor, District 4, Town of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, 1990-1998. - Park commission, disposal commission, finance committee, personnel committee.
- Technical Coordinating and Advisory Committee on Regional Transportation Systems Planning of the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, regional transportation plan, 1990-2004.
- Technical Advisory Committee for the East-West Corridor Transit Study of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.