College celebrates renovated research spaces and researchers

People demonstrating biomedical research

On Nov. 2 the College of Engineering & Applied Science showed off its newly renovated 9th and 10th floor research spaces to alumni, business and community partners. Dean Brett Peters noted that, in addition to sharing the incredible transformation of the space, the evening was also about highlighting the research and the work that faculty and students are doing in many different research focus areas and the collaboration these spaces foster. Close to 30 faculty and their students shared their research at the well-attended event.

Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman attended the event as part of his OpportUWnity Tour, a statewide journey Rothman is making to each UW campus this fall. Chancellor Mark Mone also provided a welcome, thanking Rothman and the Universities of Wisconsin’s for the support and “fierce” advocacy on behalf of UWM, pointing to research as a major reason that businesses work with the university.

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