Spectrum News highlights research from Rahman’s Biorobotics Lab

man operating a robotic arm
Graduate student Samiul Haque Sunny, biomedical engineering and health informatics, operates the assistive arm that he and other lab members have been working to perfect.

Spectrum News featured student researchers in the biorobotics lab of Associate Professor Habib Rahman, as they demonstrated the robotic arm they have created for people who use a wheelchair and have limited use of their upper body.

The report, which aired June 5, featured three graduate students who displayed the variety of objects that the robotic arm can grasp: Samiul Haque Sunny, biomedical engineering and health informatics; Nayan Banik, computer science; and visiting student Ishrak Zarif.

The researchers in Rahman’s lab have designed the robotic arm so that it can be controlled in a variety of ways, including with the chin. The arm, which can help people with disabilities maintain their independence, is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. Watch the segment.