In the preschool rooms, we believe that children are capable, creative, and competent. Children use their senses to explore their surroundings. When children play, they have the opportunity to take charge of their own learning, make choices, ask questions, develop their own theories, and test them over and over again. Using the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and The Creative Curriculum as the framework for our curriculum, teachers choose developmentally appropriate equipment, activities and materials, and facilitate meaningful interactions between your child, their fellow classmates, and their environment. Curriculum for preschoolers involves everything we do, from individual work to working with others. There are always questions to answer, theories to test, and findings to discover.
In Preschool Rooms you will see:
- The child’s world moves beyond toddler rooms of “me” to include fellow classmates, friends, teachers, extended family, neighbors, and people within the community.
- How children absorb what they see, hear, and experience. This is the age when new experiences become just as important as repeated experiences.
- An accelerated learning of strengthening self-help skills. Children begin to master what they began to learn when they were younger.
- Children’s independent and parallel play begins to move to more cooperative play, and stronger peer relationships form.
- More group projects. The importance of this group work is not the product, but the process of just working together and forming a classroom community.
- Through exploration, make-believe play, and hands-on experiences, children can start to understand the difference between reality and fantasy.
- Children’s accelerated growth in speech and language. They are better able to articulate what they are thinking, what they are doing, questions they have, and discoveries they have made.