Presented by Cailín Nic an tSionnaigh (Fulbright FLTA, UW-Milwaukee) and Clíodhna Ní Chorráin (Fulbright FLTA, Notre Dame).
Join the UWM Center for Celtic Studies for a talk about language revitalization and preservation through the persistence of An Dream Dearg and the Acht Gaeilge movement as the struggle for language rights and recognition continues in the North of Ireland. This colloquium talk is generously sponsored by the Fulbright Commission in Ireland and The Irish Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
This talk is FREE and open to the public. Anyone interested in Irish language, linguistics, national policy, history, and politics is invited to join!
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Curtin Hall 175
Zoom (Registration required for Zoom)