Grants and Scholarships

For scholarships and grants for Celtic Studies students, please see the list below. The range of Celtic Studies scholarships around the world is vast. Some scholarships may apply only to summer schools abroad, some may apply to local research in Milwaukee, and some may apply to music study, for a few examples. Please research scholarships you are interested in using the links below.

If you are a member of an organization which has a Celtic Stuides related Grant or Scholarship to add to this list, please contact the Center for Celtic Studies at

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Grant & Scholarship Opportunities

Saint Andrew’s Society of the City of Milwaukee

Launched in 2019, the Saint Andrew’s Society of the City of Milwaukee has established the Ian Day Education Scholarship as a way to support activities that enrich the educational, social and cultural traditions of Scotland. The scholarship program is open to any applicants who reside in the state of Wisconsin and are active members of a Wisconsin Scottish organization, including cultural groups, bands and dance groups and/or those with Scottish clan or family affiliation residing in the state of Wisconsin. For more information and for the application form and instructions, please go to the Society’s website:

Applications Open: Around October 1st each year
Due Date: Usually December 1st each year

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Shamrock Club of Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s oldest and largest Irish-American membership organization. Founded March 17, 1960. In 2021, the Shamrock Club’s “John Gleeson and James Liddy Memorial Scholarship” was established. This application is available to anyone who will be pursuing studies of Irish culture, arts, dance or heritage. Applicants do not need to study in Ireland. Applicant must have a high school diploma and be currently attending an institute of higher learning. The maximum award for this scholarship is $750. Additional information can be obtained by writing to the Shamrock Club Scholarship Committee or by visiting our website:

Applications Open: Late February or Early March each year
Due Date: Mid or Late April each year

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Fulbright Summer Gaeltacht Awards

These annual awards are given to anyone with experience learning the Irish language who wish to study Irish for two or more weeks in a Gaeltacht region. You can apply independently or, if you are attending the Celtic Studies summer study abroad trip to Donegal, Ireland, there is a special application. Each year, one UWM student is guaranteed an award of up to $2,200. For more information, visit the Summer Gaeltacht Awards website:
For more information about study abroad, contact Tessa Culleton at and see our Study Abroad Info page.

Applications Due: May in most years
The UWM Center for International Education keeps a list of study-abroad and international grant and scholarship opportunities throughout the year.

Browse the CIE Scholarships & Grants page:

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