Registration for the Scheinfeld Entrepreneurial Awards is now open. The Intent to Compete form must be submitted by Monday, May 15, 2023.  All individual applicants must be a current Lubar College of Business student. All team applicants must include a current Lubar College of Business student.

Name of Lubar College of Business Team Captain:(Required)
Year in school(Required)
UWM status(Required)
Name of team member #1
Year in school
UWM status of team member #1
Name of team member #2
Year in school
UWM status of team member #2
Name of team member #3
Year in school
UWM status of team member #3
Name of team member #4
Year in school
UWM status of team member #4
I have read, understood, and complied with all Eligibility Criteria for the Scheinfeld Entrepreneurial Awards.(Required)
I acknowledge and understand that it is a violation of certain state and federal laws, including federal copyright laws, to use the original works of others without their permission.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the UWM Foundation and its agents, as well as the award's sponsors, judges and attendees, from damages or loss that may result from my failure to secure any necessary rights and permissions, including against claims of copyright infringement and unauthorized use.(Required)
I agree to abide by the decision of the Scheinfeld Awards Selection Committee.(Required)
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the award as outlined in the "About the Awards" section.(Required)
By submitting this form, I am hereby consenting to the creation, enforcement and use of my electronic signature to enter into the subsequent "Competition Disclosures." I understand that by clicking "I consent", I will be granted access to review the "Competition Disclosures" for purposes of registering for the Scheinfeld Competition. If I do not wish to execute the "Competition Disclosures" in electronic format, I understand I have the option of executing the "Competition Disclosures" in paper format. If I wish to do so, I should contact Kennedy Wiegel. I understand that if I do not execute the "Competition Disclosures" in either electronic or paper form, I will not be permitted to register for the Scheinfeld Competition. By clicking "I consent" below, I acknowledge that I am able to print/download a copy of the "Competition Disclosures" if I wish to retain a copy of it and I further agree that I will not allow third parties to use my password or otherwise access my electronic application for the Scheinfeld Competition.(Required)
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