Fort Healthcare On-Boarding Instructions

BMS Labs

Return to Year 4 Summer Session


Any changes or additions to site-specific onboarding paperwork are typically made in late summer/early fall.  The instructions below were last updated in August of 2022 and are current for the 2022-2023 clinical rotation.

1. Review the Student COVID-19 Policy.

2. Complete the following forms and forward copies to Brad (Contact Brad and we can set up a time for you to drop it off)

Complete the Screening Questionnaire for Natural Rubber Latex Sensitivity.  For Dept you can enter “UWM Student Clinical”.

Review and complete the Statement of Confidentiality & Security form.  At the top, fill out the Date, your name, email, and phone number.  Print and sign your name and date in the Student spots at the bottom of form.  You can leave the spots for the supervising educator name/signature/date blank.