Join MFA Dance students for an evening of original, experimental choreography developed in collaboration with UWM students, alumni, and the Milwaukee community. Their dance works explore diverse choreographic questions to investigate boundaries, materiality, freedom, resilience, screendance, and memory. UpStart is a unique opportunity to experience choreography from dance artists from across the nation.
Choreographic works by Kaleigh Dent, Meg Gourley, Samuel Hanson, Sarah Holmes, Juan Enrique Irizarry Jr , Erica Isakower, Tisiphani Mayfield, and Elisabeth Roskopf. Hear from three of the choreographers in a story about UpStart 2024.
In-person Tickets
Seniors 65+, *UWM Faculty, Staff & Alumni
Youth 17 and Under
*UWM Student
*PSOA Student (for events in your department)
*If you have a UWM email account, please log in when visiting the Box Office page in order to display all UWM affiliated ticket pricing.
Livestream Tickets
Livestream URLs are sent from to the purchasing e-mail two hours prior to event start time.