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Hybrid Hybrid Event

Chamber Music Milwaukee – Under-Represented Composers

Hybrid Hybrid Event

February 6, 2025 | 7:30 pm 9:30 pm

Chamber Music Milwaukee Promo Image
Date & TimeLocation
February 6, 2025 (7:30–9:30 p.m.)Music Building, Recital Hall 175 and Virtual

To celebrate Black History Month, Chamber Music Milwaukee is presenting a program highlighting chamber music from under-represented composers. Music needs to reflect our communities in their diversity and complexity. This unique program will features UWM faculty and guest performing works by Julio Racine (Haiti), Reena Esmail (Indian-American), Miguel del Aguila (Uruguay), Han Lash (LGBTQ+) and Samuel Zyman (Mexico).

Tickets are not required for this FREE event.
2400 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211