UWM-CRM has personnel and the facilities to provide comprehensive investigations related to human burials sites and human remains as required by the Wisconsin Burial Preservation Law, Wis. Stat. §157.70 (1) (i) and Wis. Admin Code HS 2.06 (6). These investigations include literature and archival investigations, archaeological monitoring, archaeological Phase II investigations, Phase III mitigation of human burial sites and cemeteries, and comprehensive osteological analysis and reporting. UWM-CRM personnel are highly experienced in interpretation and implementation of the Wisconsin Burial Law. Dr. Jennifer Haas currently serves as member of the WHS Burial Sites Preservation Board.
UWM-CRM employs 12 full time staff listed as Qualified Burial Archaeologists by the WHS as specified in Wis. Stat. §157.70 (1) (i). An additional five part time or seasonal staff are also Qualified Burial Archaeologists. These individuals are qualified at all levels of field investigations related to human remains. UWM-CRM is equipped to provide photographic recordation all aspects of archaeological investigations including Phase 3 mitigation.
UWM-CRM employs two full time staff listed as Qualified Skeletal Analysts by the WHS as specified in Wis. Stat. §157.70 (1) (i). An additional five part time or seasonal staff are also Qualified Skeletal Analysts. UWM-CRM skeletal analysts are proficient in identification of human remains, determination of age, sex, ancestry, trauma and pathology, and analysis of co-mingled human remains.
The UWM Archaeological Research Laboratory is equipped with digital radiographic and photographic equipment, as well as geometric morphometric and other osteometric equipment including:
- anthropometers to measure and establish human stature
- boley gauges to measure teeth
- spreading calipers to measure cranial length and breadth
- osteometric boards to record other standard measurements
Further UWM owns and utilizes Fordisc, an industry standard computer program, that uses statistical methods to estimate sex, ancestry, and stature from skeletal measurements. Fordisc employs multivariate statistical classification methods including linear discriminant function analysis. Finally, UWM-CRM owns a The NextEngine™ that produces three-dimensional scans facilitating more precise osteological analysis.