60th Annual Midwest Archaeological Conference Presentation – Thomas Zych, Brian Nicholls, and Patricia B. Richards

Title: Landscapes of the Forgotten: Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery
Thomas J. Zych, University of Toledo, Brian D. Nicholls (UW–Milwaukee), and Patricia B. Richards (UW– Milwaukee)
Midwest Archaeological Conference, Indianapolis

The land use history of the Milwaukee County Institutional Grounds (County Grounds) is one beginning in the mid 1800s and continuing through to today. Through the years, the County Grounds has seen many transformation of the landscape. These include the construction of numerous buildings associated with various services provided by Milwaukee County. Additionally, a series of cemeteries, referred to as the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, were also established in several locations on the County Grounds. In 1991 and 1992 and again more recently in 2013, portions of one of the cemeteries were excavated in advance of proposed expansion to the modern medical complex. This paper will focus on the distribution of existing and former facilities throughout the County Grounds and explore spatial patterns within the cemetery itself to help better define the relationship and chronology of the cemetery and County Grounds landuse.