Accessing and Using I-Manager

As of September 1st, 2020, the Animal Care Program and IACUC at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will be joining the IBC and IRB in utilizing I-Manager for all research protocol forms and renewals. We will no longer be accepting new studies filled out on the old form. Please find all the relevant information on the new protocol process below.

I-Manager (formerly IRBManager) is a fully web-based system allowing users with an internet browser to securely: login and submit submissions; send and receive automatic notices; view the status of active, closed, or recent submissions; and maintain the entire IACUC, IRB, or IBC file in one central place.

Students or someone other than the main Principal Investigator will be allowed to complete and submit forms.  However, the PI will be required to log in, review the submission, and press the final submit button before the IACUC can receive the study for review.

Accessing I-Manager:

To log in to I-Manager:

1. UWM faculty, staff and students:  Log in using your UWM ePanther ID by selecting the 1Login link on the login page. An account will automatically be created the first time you log in.Click here to log into I-Manager

2. Non-UWM Personnel: Request an I-Manager account at the following link. An account will be created and login information will be sent to you within 1-2 business days: Non-UWM IRBManager Account request form

Instructions for Using I-Manager

If you are a PI or any individual beginning a research study involving animals, please review this document. It contains all information on logging into I-Manager and filling out the available forms for the IACUC:

Instructions for Principal Investigators/Submitting Users

User Guides

The User Guide for Researchers includes general information about I-Manager and how to navigate through the system and create new submissions, amendments, continuing reviews, and amendments.

The I-Manager PowerPoint presentation is used for in-person training, but may be useful for people that need a basic understanding of the system without the hands-on training.

For in-person training sessions click here.

IACUC Protocol Approval Process Flowchart

I-Manager Support and Questions

If you have any questions regarding I-Manager, please contact the IRB Office at or 414-662-3544. Please direct any study-related questions to the IACUC office at or 414-229-6016.

Please contact with any questions.