Initial Training Requirements for Completion of Animal Care Certification
Meet with Vet/Animal Care Manager for an Animal Care Program Orientation Complete Animal Care Exam Receive confirmation email for completion of Occupational Health Risk Assessment View Bio-Methodology Video ARC Facility Orientation Hands on Training for Rodent Users Complete CITI Training module
Mouse Users at UWM facilities x x x x x x
Rat Users at UWM facilities x x x x x x
Zebrafish Users x x x x
Working with Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Research Settings
Fish Users x x x x
Working With Fish in Research Settings
Amphibian Users x x x x
Working with Amphibians in Research Settings
Field Studies with mammals/fish/birds x x x x
Wildlife Research
Initial Training Requirements can be met as follows:
- To meet with the Animal Care Manager for an initial orientation and/or to attend a facility orientation/hands-on training, please email When emailing, please indicate your timeline for needing training.
- To complete the Animal Care Exam, Log into I-Manager and complete the x-from entitled “IACUC Animal Care Training and Quiz”.
- To complete the occupational health risk assessment, complete the form entitled “IACUC Initial Occupational Health and Safety Health Questionnaire”.
- To watch the BioMethodology videos (rodent studies only), log into I-Manager and complete the form “IACUC Mammal Biomethodology Videos”
- To Complete a CITI course (Fish, Amphibians, and Field Studies only) refer to the following directions. These directions can also be found on your I-Manager dashboard (see below under Training Resources):
Instructions for Completing CITI Animal Care and Use Training
- Visit the training website:
- If you are already registered with a different institution or for the UWM Office of Sponsored Programs’ Effort Reporting requirement or Human Subjects Training, you do not need to create a new account. Questions about logging in may be directed to or
- If you are not registered, you must register as a New User. Find “University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee” under “Participating Institutions.” Create a user name and password. IMPORTANT: Passwords are visible to CITI Administrators – please create your password with this in mind!
- Once logged in, you will be prompted to answer whether you are taking the Office of Sponsored Programs’ Effort Reporting Training, the IRB Human Subjects Training, or the Animal Care and Use. Select the Animal Care and Use.
- For Question 4, choose the learner group that best applies to you.
- For Question 5, check not at this time if you only intend to take one course.
- For Question 6, check the box for not at this time since you will not be taking the refresher course. On the next page, click on the appropriate course per the chart above.
- A score of 80% or better in each module is required to receive your certificate. You can return to any module which you did not score at least 80%, and review and retake the test.
- You do not have to complete the training in one sitting. Progress is saved.
- Print or save a copy of your certification. You may also log back in to view your certification.
Acknowledgment: We thank the UWM Office of Sponsored Programs for allowing the Animal Care Program to use the CITI training program.
Annual Continuing Education Requirements
To meet training requirements from the NRC, OLAW, and the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th ed.)”, all animal users listed on protocols (including students and staff) will need to complete annual continuing education. To complete these requirements, please review and/or submit the forms in the steps followed:
1. Participate in annual continuing education by taking a course, seminar, webinar, conference, etc. that addresses animal welfare (reduction, refinement, replacement). Then login to I-Manager and complete the x-form entitled “IACUC Continuing Education Renewal,” where you will indicate the topic you chose and when it was completed.
2. Login to I-Manager to complete the x-form entitled “IACUC Occupational Health and Safety Refresher Training,” where you will be required to accept or decline renewed participation in providing your occupational health risk assessment at the end of the training.
Training Required to Work with Animals at UWM based on study staff roles:
Training Resources
- Training Manual: “Guide to the Responsible Care and Use of Laboratory Animals at UWM”
- “Use of Animals in Teaching Classes and Observational Field Studies”-short version
- “Use of Animals in Teaching Classes and Observational Field Studies” – long version
- Training resources are also available on the IACUC I-Manager Dashboard:
- login to I-Manager
- In the top toolbar on the right side, click the “Go to Switchboard” icon
- select IACUC
- At the bottom of the tan-shaded area, you will see a link to a document containing pertinent training materials.
Transgenic and Quarantine Room Training
- Micro-isolation Cages
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Exiting quarantine room
- Entering transgenic or barrier room (Coming Soon)
- Exiting a transgenic or barrier room
Surgery and Anesthesia Training
- Quiz for Teaching/Observational Field Studies (for non-UWM Personnel)
Training Documentation Forms
Training documentation forms are found on the IACUC forms page