UWM is proud of our Alumni, and the American Indian Studies Program would like to feature graduates and their interesting careers. Let us know if you are an alumni of the program so we can updates today’s students on what you have done with your UWM degree. Email: krueg525@uwm.edu
Eva Petoskey
UWM American Indian Studies alumna Eva Petosky now lives in Peshawbestown, Michigan where she does program development and evaluation for native and nonnative businesses in the area.
Eva is pictured to the right with her daughter Rose.
Marne Kaeske
Marne Kaeske is the Cultural Preservation Specialist for the 1854 Treaty Authority, and has a decade of experience in coordinating outreach programs regarding natural resource rights and biodiversity. With a passion in usufructuary treaty rights history and policy, she is fortunate to have had the opportunity to build 1854’s Education and Outreach Division from its inception. Although she considers the Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula “home”, she has a deep connection and obligation to stewarding the place-based interpretation of the greater Western Great Lakes area, and keeping its stories alive. Marne enjoys a challenging sailing race, or curling game full of banter, but can also be found chasing her nephews and teaching them the art of catching fish and climbing trees. Mii’iw.