Enhancing Advising Committee (EAC)

Mission Statement

The Enhancing Advising Committee (EAC) researches and explores opportunities to improve academic advising at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) in collaboration with the Advisors Coaches Network (ACN).  The EAC also works to enhance professional development opportunities for all advisors.   

Structure & Selection of Committee

Each academic school/college, in addition to Pathway Advising, shall have one representative to participate in the Enhancing Advising Committee (plus any additional representatives who are also currently serving as ACN Co-Chairs).

This representative is responsible for participating on behalf of the advising office of his/her/zir school/college.

  • Each EAC representative will serve for two academic years.  Terms will be staggered with half starting one year and half starting the next in order to provide continuity.  In the first year, half of the representatives will be appointed for only one year in order to establish the pattern.
  • If the representative is unable to attend an EAC meeting, a substitute will attend the meeting in the representative’s place.
  • The representative will be responsible for reporting to the supervisor as well as their colleagues about the discussions of the EAC in order to solicit input and feedback.
  • The Assistant Dean or Supervisor will select the school/college representative for the school/college advising unit.
  • Additional representatives will include one of the ACN Co-Chairs and an ex-officio position from the Registrar’s office/Advisement Team.

Chairperson:  The chairperson for the EAC will be selected by the EAC representatives to serve for two academic years.  The chairperson of the EAC will meet will regularly attend Pathways and Interventions (P&I) meetings (held by Advising Deans and Directors).

EAC Committee Members


Brian Williams

Academic Advisor I School of Information Studies I briancw2@uwm.edu

Sarah Terry

Academic Advisor I Pathway Advising I tarah@uwm.edu


Committee MemberOfficeEmail
Sarah Terry (EAC Co-ChairPathway Advisingtarah@uwm.edu
Brian Williams (EAC Co-ChairSchool of Information Studiesbriancw2@uwm.edu
Maria Gleason-Maddox (ACN Co-Chair)College of Letters and Sciencemg@uwm.edu
Amanda Keyes (ACN Co-ChairCollege of Letters and Science
Lauren FleckHonors Collegefleck@uwm.edu
Morgan ReidingerLubar College of Businessreiding5@uwm.edu
Sarah TerryPathway Advisingtarah@uwm.edu
Clare FauroteAthleticsfaurote@uwm.edu
Laura StarkCollege of Letters & Sciencestarkl@uwm.edu
Carly Tucker (Co-Chair)Helen Bader School of Social Welfaretucker22@uwm.edu
Kristina SchellSchool of Freshwater Scienceskmschell@uwm.edu
Tammy Stroschein-TaylorSchool of Architecture and Urban Planningttaylor@uwm.edu
Tina CurrentCollege of Engineering & Applied Sciencecurrentt@uwm.edu
Derrick Vaugn LangstonMulticultural Student Centerlangsto5@uwm.edu
Kelsi Faust Zilber School of Pubilc Healthmeyer378@uwm.edu
Katie NackCollege of Nursingknack@uwm.edu
Nikki ClaasSchool of Educationnclaas@uwm.edu
Christopher HeadRegistrar's Officehead@uwm.edu
Cynthia RobertsCollege of General Studiesrobertscl@uwm.edu
Amanda PlattPeck School of the Artsavplatt.edu