Course Updates


EAP 101: Students can enroll via PAWS. They will see the days and times those sections are offered on PAWS.

EAP sections of 102: those sections are NOT open via PAWS enrollment. Students must email the EAP Coordinator, Brooke Haley, to let her know which section you want to add at Advisors, please DO NOT enroll students in these sections yourselves. The email should provide the following:

  • Full Name
  • UWM Student ID Number
  • Course and section number of CURRENT coposition class
  • Course and section number of EAP 102 they are requesting

EAP Sections of ENG 102 for Spring:

English 102-101 MW 9:30-10:45 AM (Gitte Frandsen)

English 102-102 MW 11:00-12:15 PM  (Gitte Frandsen)  for “heritage” speakers of English only

English 102-103 MW 12:30-1:45 PM (Gitte Frandsen)

English 102-105 TR 11:00-12:15 PM (Mohammad Anisur Rahman)
English 102-106 TR 12:30-1:45 PM  (Mohammad Anisur Rahman)