You are welcome to walk in for an in-person or online appointment. Walk-ins are based on tutor availability. If writers have reserved time, this time must be used before scheduling walk-in appointments.
In-Person Walk-In Appointment
Come to the Writing Center in Curtin 127 during open in-person hours.
Online Walk-In Appointment
Call the Writing Center (414-229-4339) during open in-person hours or contact Ryan at
It might take a few minutes to arrange for a tutor to meet you for an online walk-in, but they’ll be there! Please be patient while we arrange for a tutor to meet you as soon as possible.
Walk-in appointments (both in-person and online) open 15 minutes before the start of each open appointment and remain open until an appointment is made or the time passes. For example, a 2:00 pm walk-in appointment will be available to book starting at 1:45 pm until 2:30 pm. Available walk-in times are white boxes on the schedule, while unavailable walk-in times are gray boxes.
Please Note: For pedagogical and practical reasons, writers may schedule no more than one visit per day, even if a tutor is available. However, if you have already used your allowed scheduled time in a week, you may request a walk-in appointment on another day.
The tutor listed as “Walk-in: Curtin 127” on the schedule stays free for walk-in appointment overflow.
If you need further assistance, please email Ryan at or call the Center at (414) 229-4339.