The Writing Center

Every Writer Needs a Reader

All UWM writers—students, faculty and staff—can meet confidentially, one-on-one, face-to-face or online in real time with qualified tutors. Any subject, any project, any level. Walk-Ins are welcome, but making an appointment will reserve your time.

Open for summer June 11th–August 15th

person on laptop viewing a schedule


Summer 2024 Hours
10:00am – 3:00pm

June 11-20
(online only)
June 24-Aug 15
(in-person & online)

Writing Center office


Curtin Hall 127
Main Location

Library East Wing
Satellite Location – Temporarily Closed

How-To Videos

Writing Center Tutors

Along with the writers they assist, tutors also reap short and long term benefits from their Writing Center training and experience.

Alumni Writing Center Tutors

Listen to alumni UWM tutors discuss how being tutors affected their academic, professional and personal lives in these brief videos.