Aki Roberts

  • Associate Professor, Sociology
  • Affiliated Professor, Urban Studies


  • PhD, Sociology, University of New Mexico

Office Hours

  • Tuesday 4:00 - 6:00pm
  • Bolton Hall
  • Office # 740

Courses Taught

  • SOCIOL 261: Introduction to Statistical Thinking in Sociology
  • SOCIOL 927: Criminological Theories
  • SOCIOL 461: Social Data Analysis using Regression
  • SOCIOL 760: Advanced Statistical Methods in Sociology
  • SOCIOL 760: Advanced Statistical Methods in Sociology

Research Interests

  • Criminology
  • Race/Ethnicity and Criminal Justice 
  • Policing 
  • National Incident-Based Reporting Systems (NIBRS)
  • Crime Clearance and Solvability 
  • Education 
  • Quantitative Methods 

Selected Publications

Roberts, A. (In press). Solving crime for America’s ‘Others’: Crime clearance and Asian American victims. Race & Justice. 
Roberts, A. & Smith, H. R. (2023). Police diversity and crime clearance for Black and Hispanic victims. Criminology & Public Policy.
Roberts, A., & Roberts, J. M., Jr. (2022). Clearing crime in the aftermath of police lethal violence. Criminology & Public Policy 21: 619-648.
Roberts, A. & Roberts, J. M., Jr. (2020). Multiple Regression: A Practical Introduction. Sage Publications. 
Roberts, J. M., Jr., Roberts, A. & Wadsworth, T. (2018). Multiple imputation for missing values in homicide incident data: An evaluation using unique test data. Homicide Studies 22: 391-409.
Roberts, A. (2018). Revisiting Japan’s postwar homicide trend: 1951-2014. Pp. 99-116 in Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan, J. Liu & S. Miyazawa, Eds. Springer: New York.
Roberts, A. & Takeuchi, Y. (2017). Inside American Higher Education: Is the World’s Best System in Crisis? [In Japanese] Asahi Publications Inc. Highest sales rank reached in Amazon Japan: #290 overall and #1 in “study abroad” category.
Roberts, A., & Roberts, J. M., Jr. (2016). Crime clearance and temporal variation in police workload: Evidence from National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 32: 651-674.