Nancy Mathiowetz
- Professor Emerita, Sociology
PhD, Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Related Activities
- 2015-present, Professor Emerita
- 2003-2015, Professor
Selected Publications
Fonk, James, Davidoff, Donna, Lutzow, Thomas, Chesley, Noelle A., and Mathiowetz , Nancy. “The Effect of Advance Directives on End-of-Life Cost Experience” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved23.3 (2012): 1137-56.
Lee, Sunghee, Mathiowetz, Nancy A., and Tourangeau, Roger. “Measuring Disability in Surveys: Consistency over Time and Across Respondents” Journal of Official Statistics23.2 (2007): 163-184.
Mathiowetz, Nancy. “Methodological Issues in the Measurement of Persons with Disabilities” Exploring Theories and Expanding Methodologies: Where we are and where we need to go (Research in Social Science and Disability, Volume 2)Ed. Barnartt, Sharon N., and Altman, Barbara M.Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (2001): 125-143.