John Roberts

  • Professor, Sociology
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Sociology


PhD, Sociology, Cornell University

Office Hours

By appointment only

Courses Taught

  • SOCIOL 261: Introduction to Statistical thinking in Sociology
  • SOCIOL 352: Social Networks
  • SOCIOL 701: Professional Seminar
  • SOCIOL 750: Research Methods in Sociology
  • SOCIOL 760: Advanced Statistical Methods in Sociology
  • SOCIOL 951: Seminar in Research Methodology
  • SOCIOL 952: Social Network Analysis
  • SOCIOL 982: Advanced Quantitative Analysis


Research Interests

  • Social Networks
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Mathematical Sociology
  • Criminology

Selected Publications

M. A. Peeples, J. M. Roberts, Jr., & Y. Yin. (2023) Challenges for network research in archaeology. In T. Brughmans, B. J. Mills, J. Munson, & M. A. Peeples (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research (pp. 3449), Oxford University Press.
J. M. Roberts, Jr., E. Dorshorst, Y. Yin, M. A. Peeples, R. L. Breiger, & B. J. Mills. (2023) Sampling variability and centrality score comparisons in archaeological network analysis: A case study of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 104100. [Supplementary material posted on journal website]
A. Roberts & J. M. Roberts, Jr. (2022) Clearing crimes in the aftermath of police lethal violence. Criminology & Public Policy 21, 619-648.
J. M. Roberts, Jr., Y. Yin, E. Dorshorst, M. A. Peeples, & B. J. Mills. (2021) Assessing the performance of the bootstrap in simulated assemblage networks. Social Networks 65, 98-109.
A. Roberts & J. M. Roberts, Jr. (2021) Multiple Regression: A Practical Introduction. Sage Publications.
J. M. Roberts, Jr., A. Roberts, A., & T. Wadsworth. (2018) Multiple imputation of missing values in homicide incident data: An evaluation using unique test data. Homicide Studies 22, 391-409.
M. A. Peeples, B. J. Mills, W. R. Haas, J. J. Clark, & J. M. Roberts, Jr. (2016) Analytical challenges for the application of social network analysis in archaeology. In T. Brughmans, A. C. F. Collar, & F. Coward (Eds). The Connected Past, pp. 59-84. Oxford University Press.
J. M. Roberts, Jr. (2015) U. S. spousal homicide rates by racial composition of marriage. Annals of Epidemiology 25, 668-673.
B. J. Mills, M. A. Peeples, W. R. Haas, Jr., L. Borck, J. J. Clark, & J. M. Roberts, Jr. (2015) Multiscalar perspectives on social networks in the late prehispanic Southwest. American Antiquity 80, 3-24.
J. M. Roberts, Jr., A. Roberts, & D. D. Brewer. (2014) Network contacts and activity domains: Information-sharing among police agencies. Human Organization 73, 13-24.