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Colloquium: Dr. Shantanu Mukherjee
November 11, 2016 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The Physics department colloquia, when scheduled, begin at 3:30 PM on Friday afternoons, in Lapham Hall, Room 160 (in the Biology Bldg.). Coffee and cookies are available prior to the talks. The public is welcome to join.
The title of our talk on 11 November 2016 is: “Dichotomy of Strong and Weak Correlation Physics: An Example of Sr3Ru2O7”.
Dr. Shantanu Mukherjee SUNY – Binghamton
Bilayer material Sr3Ru2O7 (Sr327) consists of a rich phase diagram including metamagnetic transition, electronic nematic order, Mott insulating state, dopant induced structural transition, and long range magnetic order. The origin of these ordered phases is not well understood and currently a number of experimental observations on this compound remain unexplained.
In this talk I will summarize our current understanding of the origin of the ordered phases in Sr327 compound. Our results on the calculation of spin susceptibility within a random phase approximation in this multi band material will be presented. Focusing on the observation of dopant induced long range magnetic order, I will show that by accounting for the structural changes in oxygen octahedral rotation with doping we can explain the formation of a long range magnetic order in agreement with observations by neutron scattering experiments.
Finally, using a U(1) slave spin formalism, I will present some recent calculations that provide useful clues about the doping dependence of the Mott insulating and magnetic order in Sr327 compound.