Rake Your Leaves into the Street Beginning October 1

City of Milwaukee residents may rake their leaves into the curb lanes beginning October 1, 2020 and ending Thursday, November 15, 2020.* The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin collecting leaves on October 18. Leaf rake out ends on November 15, unless the seasonal leaf dropped is delayed. If that is the case, DPW will extend the deadline to provide residents enough time to rake leaves to the curb. Once the deadline is established the City will conduct one final collection sweep. To ensure collection, please make sure your leaves are raked out to the curb by the deadline.

Tips for residents for a successful fall leaf collection

  • Rake leaves loose into the curb lane. Leave a 1 foot gap between the leaves and the curb.
    • This gap helps ensure the equipment can collect all of the leaves and protects the equipment from being damaged and helps prevent flooding by allowing storm water to move to the storm drains.
  • Keep piles away from sewer grates, storm drains, and low hanging trees.
  • On-street parking can impact the ability to access raked out leaves and can slow leaf collection operations. Currently night time alternate side parking regulations remain suspended and as a result we anticipate increased challenges for leaf collection this fall. To minimize this impact, avoid parking on or adjacent to leaf piles so that crews can access and remove leaves.
  • Include yard debris such as flowers, garden trimmings, and weeds on top of leaf piles.
  • Do not include grass clippings, pumpkins, litter, or bagged material.
  • Do not put brush in the leaf piles. Keep brush separate and located between the curb and sidewalk. Call 286-CITY or request a brush collection online.
  • After the collection deadline, take your leaves and yard debris to the Drop Off Centers up to 6 cubic yards without fees.

Leaves and brush, along with other yard waste, are banned from landfills and must not be placed in garbage or recycling carts. DPW collects leaves, brush and yard waste separately from garbage and composts it, which conserves natural resources while saving the City money. Residents are also encouraged to mulch leaves on their lawns or compost on site. This saves time and money while adding nutrients to the soil.

For more information – including how to find your leaf collection schedule, call (414) 286-CITY (-2489) or visit the DPW website at milwaukee.gov/leaves.

*No special request for leaf collection is necessary from Oct. 1 – Nov. 15. All other times of the year, leaves must be mulched on the property or taken to a Drop Off Center.
