
Core Faculty

Caitlin R. Bowman, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor, Psychology
Human memory functions, using a combination of behavioral tasks, computational modeling, brain imaging including model-based fMRI and multivariate pattern analyses.

Janis Eells, Ph.D.; Professor, Health Sciences
Mitochonrdrial Dysfunction, Mitochondrial signaling mechanisms involved in mediating cellular toxicity and protection

Karyn Frick, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Hormonal regulation of memory and brain function in mouse models of menopause and Alzheimer’s

Polymnia Georgiou, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Neurobiology and neuroendocrinology of reward, drug addiction, and mood disorders in mouse models of mental disorders

Nadège Gouignard, PhD, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Uses frogs to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms through which embryonic cells develop into adult tissues

Jennifer H. Gutzman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Cell and Molecular Biology, Developmental Neurobiology

Deborah Hannula, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, fMRI, Eye-Tracking, Neuropsychological Methods

Elizabeth Liedhegner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Understanding endocannabinoid trafficking mechanisms within cellular and animal models involved in stress and anxiety

Jeffrey Lopez-Rojas, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Role of the entorhinal-hippocampal network in social cognition in mouse models of normal and abnormal social behaviors

Neal Morton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Uses human neuroimaging data and machine learning to develop models to explain experiences help make sense of the world

James R, Moyer, Jr., Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Psychology
Neurobiology of learning, Memory, and Aging, Cellular Mechanisms of Neuronal Aging, Neurobiological Mechanisms of Temporal Encoding

Christopher C. Quinn, Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Biology
Cell Biology, Developmental Genetics and Neuroscience

Rodney Swain, Ph.D.; Professor, Psychology Behavioral Neuroscience/Psychobiology, Learning and Memory, Cerebellar Plasticity

An Phu Tran, PhD, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Uses mouse models to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying Parkinson’s disease

Associated Faculty

Benjamin C. Campbell, Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Anthropology
Human biology, Africa, Hormones, nomads

Michael Carvan, Ph.D.; Shaw Professor, Fresh Water Sciences
Toxicology, toxicogenomics, epigenetics, behavioral toxicology, gene-environment-disease/dysfunction interactions

Wendy E. Huddleston, Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Health Sciences Human Movement Sciences

Bonnie Klein-Tasman, Ph.D.; Professor, Psychology
Child Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Pediatric Neuropsychology, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, Childhood Anxiety Disorders

Christine L. Larson, Ph.D.; Professor, Psychology
Clinical Psychology; Affective Neuroscience: fMRI, EEG, and peripheral psychophysiology of affective processes

Krista (Medina) Lisdahl, Ph.D.; Professor, Psychology
Clinical neuropsychology, assessment, psychopharmacology, effects of drugs on behavior.

Kurt Svoboda, Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Public Health
Nicotine toxicity and developmental biology of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).
