Mark Hineline, Michigan State University
“Lives and times of great geographic thinkers.”

Amanda Murphyao, Carleton University (Canada)
“Mis/representations of Nunavut in Cartography, Cartouches, and Cartoons.”


Mirela Altić, Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia. “Transatlantic cultural exchange: Jesuit Missionaries as geographers and cartographers of the New World.”

Hanne Nielsen, University of Tasmania. “Not For Sale?: Symbolic Representations
of Antarctica for Commercial Purposes.”

Si Jin Oh, Legal Research Institute, Korea University School of Law. “The “War” of maps in East Asia: the modality of law and power in maps.”


John Cloud, Historian to NOAA under contract to the National Maritime Heritage Foundation. “Indigenous American ethnography and cartography.”

Elizabeth Tarantino, University of Oxford. “Geography and geographical lore in John Rastall’s play “Four Elements”.”

Mirela Altić, Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia. “The Peace Treaty of Versailles and the role of maps on the reshaping of the Balkans in the aftermath of WWI.”


Adrian Howkins, Colorado State University. “Lands of Darkness and Light: An Environmental History of the Polar Regions.”

Taylor Spence, Sewanee – The University of the South. “The Endless Commons: Indigenous and Immigrant in the British-American Borderland, 1783-1850.”

Michel R. Oudijk, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Dr. Sebastian van Doesburg, Coordinación de Humanidades Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. “The Lienzo de Santa Catarina Ixtepeji.”


Irakli Iakobashvili, Parliament of Georgia Archives, Republic of Georgia. “Khevsureti: Returning to an earthly paradise.”

Geoffrey Martin,Southern Connecticut State University. “Completing a history of American geographic thought ca. 1860s to 1960.”

Ian Muehlenhaus,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. “An analysis of how map representations of China (from 1900 to the present) changed on maps and globes for educational purposes.”


Halla Kim – University of Nebraska at Omaha. “On the Cosmological Foundation of Daedong Yeojido.”

Matthew Boyd Goldie, Rider University. “Insularity, particularly the British Isles, in the later Middle Ages.”

Alastair Pearson, University of Portsmouth. “The International Map of the World and its impact on world cartography during the Twentieth Century.”


Kieran Rankin, Ussher Library, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. “Richard Hartshorn: Architect of Boundary Studies in Political Geography.”

Steven Seegel, University of Northern Colorado. “Icons of Power: The Modern History of Cartography in East-Central European Borderlands.”

John Cloud, NOAA Central Library. “A study of the “larger cartography” of the US Coast Survey.”


Carla Mariana Lois, University of Buenos Aires. “Looking at Ourselves through Others’ Eyes: Foreign Maps and International Networks in Argentinean Cartographical Institutions and Early Argentinean Maps, 1853-1955.”


Heather Winlow, Bath Spa University (UK). “The cartographic representation of the American Indian population in the U.S. between 1850 and 1950.”

Jorge Guzman-Gutierrez, Scott Polar Institute, Univ. of Cambridge (UK). “The historical geography of the southernmost regions of the Americas.”


Ute Schneider, Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany). “The International Map of the World Between Science and Politics.”

Michael Heffernan, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). “The American Geographical Society and the 1:1 Million Map of Hispanic America.”


Alexei Postnikov , Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia). “American and British exploration of Siberia and its importance in studies of nature, natives and Russians of these frontier regions (nineteenth – early twentieth centuries).”

Irakli Iakobashvili, Parliament of Georgia Archives (Republic of Georgia). “Photographs and research notes from the William O. Field archives relating to the Caucasus in the 1920s and 1930s.”