Spring 2020 in-person training sessions available

Click here to register

All sessions are held in Engelmann 242/248.

IRB Basics
This training session covers a basic overview of the IRB, how to prepare a submission, helpful hints, and a demonstration of I-Manager. Repeats approximately monthly.

  • Friday, January 31, 10:30-11:30 am
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2:30-3:30 pm
  • Wednesday, April 8, 3-4 pm


Post-Approval Review.  Wednesday, February 12, 2:30-3:30 pm
Every semester, we select certain expedited and more than minimal risk studies for a post-approval review. What can you expect if your study is selected? We’ll go through the process step by step.


International Research.  Friday, February 21, 2:30-3:30 pm
Doing research abroad can be a daunting task, and there are many special ethical and practical considerations. Come find out what you need to know – BEFORE you go!


Informed Consent Workshops
Informed consent is a crucial part of human subjects research. It is your responsibility as a researcher to ensure that all your study participants understand what they are agreeing to. These workshops will teach you how to obtain truly informed consent. You can sign up for one, two, or all three.

  • Part 1: The consent form.  Tuesday, January 28, 2:30-3:30 pm
    This workshop will go beyond the templates; you’ll learn the art of writing a consent document that your participants can actually understand. You’ll see examples of good consents and … less good … consents, and will also have a chance to try your hand at writing with immediate feedback.
  • Part 2: The consent process.  Thursday, March 12, 10-11 am
    The consent process is not a one-time event that begins with a form and ends with a signature. From recruitment through the end of the study, you’ll learn how to obtain consent ethically and respectfully, and ensure that your subjects are willing, understanding participants. You’ll also have a chance to role-play an informed consent discussion.
  • Part 3: Waivers and alterations.   Friday, April 10, 3-4 pm
    In some circumstances, alterations or waivers of consent can be appropriate and necessary to conduct research. Learn when and how to request waivers of consent.

In-Class Presentations
We also give presentations to individual classes. To request an in-class training session, send an email to irbinfo@uwm.edu. Include your name, the location, course title, some date/time options that work for you, and what topic(s) you would like us to cover.

If you would like to request an in-class presentation for a class that meets after 4 pm, please let us know as early in the semester as possible. We may not be able to accommodate all evening class requests.