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International Studies or Global Studies?

International Studies is a broad-based liberal arts major offered through the College of Letters and Science. Its coursework is drawn from numerous departments within the liberal arts tradition. Study abroad is not required for International Studies.

Global Studies is a joint degree program between the College of Letters and Science and professional schools at UWM. It was created for students who wish to combine an interest in international issues with pre-professional studies. Joint degrees are offered with the College of Community Engagement & Professions, the Sheldon B. Lubar College of Business and the College of the Arts & Architecture. One semester of study abroad and an internship outside of the US are both required for the Global Studies Major. Additionally, Global Studies Majors complete eight semesters of foreign language study compared to the approximately four semesters that International Studies Majors complete.

Global Studies International Studies
Program Type Bachelor of Arts Degree in Global Studies Major (L&S Bachelor of Arts Degree)
Tracks/Options (i.e. sub-majors or concentrations Five pre-professionally focused tracks, including: Global Communications, Global Management, Global Security, Global Sustainability, and Global Urban Development Three Options, including: (A) International Politics and World Affairs, (B) International Economics and Development, and ( C) World Languages and Cultures
Study Abroad Required – 12 credits total (equivalent to one semester, or split across multiple terms) Highly recommended
Internship(s) Required – 3 credits (160 hours), graded, at an overseas location and related to Global Studies Track Optional – 1-6 credits for an internationally-focused internship in the US or overseas may be counted as an elective
Foreign Language 8 semesters or equivalent of one language other than English; or 6 semesters of one language, and 2 semesters of another language. Courses taken abroad, fully taught in the foreign language, fulfill a “semester” of language requirement. (Non-native English speakers should consult with a Global Studies advisor regarding a waiver.) 14 credits in one foreign language or equivalent (maximum of 4 semesters depending on language studied and placement results)
Time to Completion Normally 4 years for students who start as intended Global Studies students in their first year at UWM While students may complete their major requirements in less than 4 years, they also need time to complete their L&S degree requirements

Interested in learning more about Global Studies? Visit the Global Studies website here.