All in-person classes, most events and activities are canceled Tuesday, Jan. 21, at both UWM campuses due to the weather forecast. Read the weather notice.

Career Resources

International Careers Course and Workshops

International Studies 260: Introduction to International Careers, is a 2-credit course open to all majors, which features guest speakers from a wide variety of professional fields. Students learn to research international careers, conduct informational interviews, craft an internationally-focused resume, and develop a career action plan.

Throughout the year, we also offer career information through career fairs and events including a Careers Across the Map speaker series.

Online Resources

The Center for International Education’s curated collection of international careers-related websites and other resources is available as a toolkit hosted by the UWM Libraries.

Coming Soon! Global Studies and International Studies students will have exclusive access to amazing career development resources through MyWorldAbroad.

Campus Resources

The Center for Student Experience and Talent is available to UWM students and alumni, wherever you are in the career process. From helping explore, to preparing for the job search, our career counselors and staff are here to offer one-on-one assistance 5 days a week.

Networking with Alumni

One of the most valuable resources for current students is the International Studies alumni network. Students enrolled in this program are encouraged to join the LinkedIn alumni group for International Studies. We also track career outcomes for International Studies graduates. If you are an alum and do not see yourself on one of these lists and would like to reconnect with us, please contact us.

The Monday Minute

Each week we post a weekly newsletter for current Global and International Studies students. This newsletter includes international job and internship postings and opportunities.