Retention and Graduation Trends

Availability:SharePoint Dashboard Link
Note: To help protect student privacy, this dashboard is limited to people who have existing access to OBIEE. To learn more about requesting access to OBIEE, please click here.
Description:Trends in retention and graduation rates across multiple fall cohorts of new freshmen and new transfers at the main campus. Retention and graduation rates for specific sub-populations of students can be generated using the filters in the dashboard.

Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data and are therefore expected 1) only to access such data if they have a legitimate educational reason for doing so, and 2) to take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of such data, for example, redacting cell sizes less than or equal to 5 if the data will be shared outside of UWM.
Production Schedule:Each Fall
Data Source:UWM Data Warehouse
Change Log:10/16/2024: Updated with Fall 2023 cohorts. By default, associate and undergraduate career New Freshmen cohorts are now reported until users select other filters. This aligns with OAIR practice before Fall 2022 and is consistent with other historical retention and graduation rate reporting,
2/14/2024: Updated to include a Wisconsin Public High School District filter.

1/5/2024: Updated to reflect corrected race/ethnicity data in PAWS.

12/7/2023: Added two new filters for New Transfer students: (1) Previous College Name, (2) Associate Degree from Previous College Prior to Transfer.

10/23/2023: Updated to reflect 2030 realignment. Updated with Fall 2022 cohorts of New Freshmen and New Transfer students. Modified logic for calculating graduation rates so that students who complete a credential at UWM prior to their bachelor's degree have their bachelor's degree counted in the rates.

4/4/2023: Updated logic used for High School GPA filter so that the underlying GPAs are rounded to two decimal places.

12/19/2022: On rare occasions, students are reported as “New Transfers” after completing their bachelor’s degree at UWM. The dashboard was revised to exclude a student with this circumstance from the Fall 2021 New Transfer cohort.

10/18/2022: Dashboard updated with information for Fall 2022. By default, Undergraduate career New Freshmen cohorts are now reported until users select other filters because these are the standard bachelor-seeking cohorts used when reporting retention & graduation rates.

10/15/2021: Dashboard updated with information for Fall 2021.

1/15/2021: Addressed a technical issue that prevented some rates from being reported as percentages.