Access to Success (A2S)

Availability:The Access to Success dashboard has been decommissioned while it is being reimagined. For questions or comments, please email
Description:Started in the fall of 2005, A2S is UWM's umbrella program that encompasses high impact practices and document student participation. Activities tracked within A2S include mentoring, tutoring, advising, learning communities, course re-design initiatives, undergraduate research, etc. Data is tracked each year by targeted status and remediation placement. The data is presented for UWM as a whole, for each school/college, each race/ethnicity and by gender. Trend data is also available.

Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data and are therefore expected 1) only to access such data if they have a legitimate educational reason for doing so, and 2) to take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of such data, for example, redacting cell sizes less than or equal to 5 if the data will be shared outside of UWM.
Production Schedule:Annual
Data Source:A wide variety of data warehouse tables.
Note:SharePoint Dashboard covers all cohorts.
12/18/2020: A small number of the total ACT scores are self-reported.
12/9/2021: Beginning with the Fall 2015 cohort, the historical version of the academic degree table is used for the calculation of graduation rates. Beginning with Fall 2020, new freshmen cohorts include both undergraduate and associate new freshmen at UWM’s main campus.
Change log:9/26/2023: Dashboard updated to include Fall 2021 cohort.

8/1/2022: First semester GPA filter was added. ACT and remedial filters were removed due to data quality issues.

3/25/2022: A2S dashboard was updated so that tutoring information for Fall 2019 and Fall 2020 New Freshmen cohorts includes math walk-in tutoring and is consistent with historical data. The "Any Voluntary" filter was also updated to account for math walk-in tutoring.

3/11/2020: Footnotes were added to clarify retention and graduation rates.