October 2, 2023
Title and Total Compensation Project (TTC)
Scheduled Implementation Date November 7, 2021
News: Title and Total Compensation Project Update, August 29, 2022
TTC Project Overview
The TTC Project Creates
- Clear, consistent, and relevant job title and job descriptions.
- Market-informed title and compensation structures.
- A framework for career development at the UW-System.
What’s Changing
- Official Titles within a new Job Framework
- Salary Structure and Guidelines
- Business Titles
What’s Not Changing
- Assigned Duties and reporting relationships
- Employee Base Pay
- Employee Category (i.e., US, AS, LI)
- Benefits
Standard Job Descriptions (SJD)
- TTC Standard Job Descriptions (SJD Library)
TTC Business Titles
Business Titles
- A Business Title provides greater description to an employee’s assigned official job title.
- Business Titles will replace working titles.
- Business Titles must be approved by HR.
A Business Title Should
- Clarify a position’s role in the organization.
- Describe the work performed in a role.
- Align with industry best practice.
A Business Title Cannot
- Duplicate a title of record.
- Misrepresent the university of the authority of a position.
- Use words typically associated with executive titles, like President, Chancellor, Provost, Dean or Director.
TTC Timeline and Next Steps
The scheduled implementation date of new titles, job descriptions, and salary structure is November 7, 2021. The following are key dates in the timeline based on this implementation date.
Summer 2021 |
November 2021 |
February 2022 |
September 15 to October 31, 2022 |
TTC Title Appeals
Title Appeal Process
- The original period to submit title appeals was November 15, 2021, to February 4, 2022. Appeals from the original submission period are currently being finalized.
- Phase 2 of TTC Title Appeals will be available in Fall 2022 to address new titles in the SJD Library and anyone in or seeking a Teaching Faculty title, due to the Spring 2022 release of campus-wide guidance on the Teaching Faculty title series.
In Phase 2 of the TTC Title Appeals, titles that are available for appeal can be found at this link: TTC Appeals Phase 2 Titles List.xlsx
Please note that there may be additions/edits to this list leading up the appeals window, pending UW System changes to the TTC SJD Library.
- TTC Appeals will continue to follow the general process defined below. Note that dates may vary based on when appeals are submitted.
- Title appeals must be submitted through the Streamline TTC Title Appeal Request Form.
What Can Be Appealed
- An employee’s job title.
What Cannot Be Appealed
- An employee’s pay.
- A job title’s assigned pay range.
- Language of a standard job description.
- Titles assigned to standard job descriptions.
- A title’s FLSA status.
Steps in the TTC Title Appeal Process
Appellant Submits TTC Title Appeal Request Form
Supervisor Acknowledges Request
Central Human Resources Reviews Request
Title Appeal Panel Reviews Request
Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources Makes Final Decision on all TTC Title Appeal Requests
Step 4: TTC Appeal Panel Meeting Required Actions
TTC Voluntary Reassignment Option
University Staff employees who are moving from non-exempt to exempt have the option to move to either the Academic Staff or the Limited Appointment employee category, depending on the designation of their TTC title. Project employees, rehired annuitants, and University Staff-Temporary employees are not eligible to have their positions voluntarily reassigned to either an Academic Staff or Limited Appointment position. Please see UW System Administrative Policy SYS 1287 Voluntary Reassignment to Academic Staff/Limited Appointment Positions for details. If you think you might be eligible for voluntary reassignment and wish to explore this option further, please contact your HR Business Partner.
Below is a summary of payroll and leave reporting, paid leave, benefits, appointment terms, and other relevant changes to be aware of before choosing to switch employee categories. Please contact benefits@uwm.edu for any questions regarding leave and benefits prior to making this decision.
TTC Employee Choice Comparison
TTC Voluntary Reassignment Form
For the most current information about the Title and Total Compensation Project please see the UW System website below.
Additional TTC Resources
TTC Information Session Academic Staff and Limited Appointees 11/2/21
Supplemental Commentary on the Academic Staff TTC Project Update (video)
Supplemental Commentary on the University Staff TTC Project Update (video)