What is GLACIER?
GLACIER is an online tax compliance system designed to allow institutions to efficiently and effectively collect information, make tax residency and income tax treaty determinations, manage paperwork, maintain data, and file reporting statements with the IRS.
How Do I Get Assistance?
UW System has consolidated the administration of GLACIER accounts. This means that our UW-Shared Services, located in Madison, WI, is now your point of contact for any questions relating to your account. You may contact them at their phone numbers or email listed below. You may also receive email communications from your GLACIER international administrator and may contact them directly that way as well.
UW-Shared Services
Phone: (608) 262-0600 or (888) 298-0141
Email: serviceoperations@uwss.wisconsin.edu
UW System
- Service Operations Troubleshooting Questions
- Tax Filing Resources
- Sample UW Email Foreign Nationals Receive
- Sample GLACIER Email Foreign Nationals Receive
- Foreign National View of GLACIER Account
See also: GLACIER Section of the International Staff and Students Questions
Who needs a GLACIER account?
All foreign national employees being paid or receiving funds through UWM payroll must create and maintain a GLACIER individual record for payroll and taxation purposes. This includes Resident Aliens and Nonresident Aliens.
A foreign national employee is any non U.S. citizen on payroll, regardless of tax status.
How do I get a GLACIER account?
Complete the international visitors section of the W-4 form and submit to the HR office. GLACIER generates accounts when the Country of Citizenship, date of entry, and visa type are entered into the Human Resource System.
Two emails will be sent to your UWM email from the below addresses. Check your junk mail folder.
- support@online-tax.net
- uwhradministration@uwsa.edu
What is the deadline for completing my GLACIER account?
The GLACIER record should be completed and all documents delivered to 2033 E. Hartford Ave within 5 days of your account creation date. We recommend you wait until you have arrived in Milwaukee to complete the GLACIER entry and deliver all materials.
Following your initial GLACIER entry, you will need to deliver all GLACIER-generated reports and tax treaty forms, along with your immigration document photocopies, to the Department of Human Resources.
Department of Human ResourcesAttention: Payroll Services
Engelmann Hall, Room 125
2033 E. Hartford Avenue
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
We do not recommend emailing GLACIER documents, as they contain sensitive data.
When do I need to update my GLACIER account?
Employees must update GLACIER with any changes to your status. This includes changes in visa type, extended immigration status, additional paid relationship types such as a fellowship or scholarship with UWM, and new departure dates.
To access your GLACIER account
Log into your GLACIER account at https://www.online-tax.net. If you do not remember your login or password, select LOGIN NOW then FORGOT LOGIN. When prompted for your email address, enter the one where this email was sent. Once in the system, you can change the email address associated with your GLACIER account to a permanent address.
How can I terminate my GLACIER account?
If you will not be employed by, receive income from, or be enrolled at the University of Wisconsin during the remainder of the current or following calendar year you should follow these steps:
- Update your email and mailing addresses in your GLACIER account. Update your permanent mailing address in my.wisconsin.edu in the My Information app. Contact the Department of Human Resources to update your email address.
- Make sure the immigration information in your GLACIER account reflects the status and expiration date which applied while you were receiving income through UW payroll system. Do NOT include any status pertaining to U.S. presence after you left the UW.
- Update your final U.S. DEPARTURE date to reflect when you have/will depart and remain outside the U.S. for 365 days or more.
- Contact your GLACIER account administrator if you will not be enrolled at or in a payment relationship with the University of Wisconsin during the remainder of the current or next calendar year.
- Provide your GLACIER account administrator with a summary of all dates you will be in the U.S. during the current calendar year. Include presence for travel, attendance at another school, work for another employer, etc.
Third-Party changes made to account
Third-party changes are most likely done by a responsible administrator. Review any changes made and inquire with your international administrator before removing any new or different information.
It is important to show all types of income you are receiving from UW System (wages, fellowship, scholarship, etc.) and administrators may add any missing income types on your behalf. These types of additions are for a reason and should not be removed without your administrator’s approval.
Holds on your GLACIER account
Hold 1: The SSN or ITIN is missing
- Once it is received, you should add it to your GLACIER account and a new packet should be submitted to HR.
- Scholarships cannot be paid without a tax identification number or confirmation of application.
Hold 2: Country or Tax Residence differs from Country of Residence or Citizenship
- Treaty cannot be granted.
Hold 3: Immigration status has changed during the current visit to the U.S.
- Treaty cannot be granted. Foreign nationals must leave the U.S. and remain out of the country for a full calendar year, or greater, between VISA changes to qualify for any potential treaty.
Hold 4: Immigration status is not sponsored by the client institution
- Unless on OPT, a foreign national with an immigration status not sponsored by UW System may not work at or receive income from UWM.
To help guide you through the Federal tax filing process UWM offers web-based tax software called GLACIER Tax Prep designed exclusively for foreign nationals who are non-residents for tax purposes. It is a part of the GLACIER program and opens in late-February each year.
GLACIER Tax Prep is for federal tax filing purposes only and cannot submit the tax return electronically. Once the federal tax filing is completed by GLACIER Tax Prep, it must be saved and then printed out and mailed to the IRS.
The federal tax filing GLACIER Tax Prep helps complete is needed when completing the Wisconsin state tax filing so be sure to save a copy.
See also: Tax Information for Foreign Nationals