Job Postings
How do I search for current job openings?
- Start your job search at may browse available positions using the fast find buttons (i.e., Faculty & Instructional, Staff, Temporary, Internal). Alternatively, you can search more specifically by clicking “Search Jobs” in the left hand navigation bar. Once you’ve clicked on “Search Jobs” you can filter your results by keyword, recent postings, School/College/Division, or posting type.
How often are job postings updated?
- Job postings are continuously added to the website as new positions become available.
How long will jobs appear on the site?
- Job posting times vary. The position will either be posted as a continuous recruitment or will have a specific application deadline. For a continuous recruitment, you must apply prior to the initial review date to ensure consideration. Postings with a listed application deadline will be removed from the web site at 11:59 P.M. Central time on the close date.
Are the posted positions the only ones available?
- Yes, all open faculty and staff positions are posted on
What is a continuous recruitment?
- A continuous recruitment is for a posting where applications are accepted until hiring needs are met. A continuous recruitment will identify an Initial Review Date. Applications must be submitted prior to the initial review date to guarantee consideration. If a viable candidate(s) is found during the initial review, applications submitted after the review date may not be considered.
Where can I find salary range information for a specific position?
- Salary ranges are identified per UW System Policy. UW System Administrative Policy SYS 1277 addresses compensation.
How can I be notified of job openings?
- Interest cards allow you the ability to be notified of job postings in the field/s of your choice. You can subscribe to this service by clicking the “Applicant Interest Cards” button on the left side navigation bar on the UWM Jobs page.
Who should I contact with questions on a posting?
- For questions on any specific posting, please contact the Position Contact Name listed on the position of interest.
How do I return to positions that I have applied to or those where I have started an application?
- To review pending and submitted applications, you will log into your account by selecting “Log In” from the left hand navigation bar, and entering your username and password. Once logged in, you will select “Your Applications” in the navigation bar. This page will display both your Applications to Complete, which are still pending, and your Completed Applications.
Application Process
How do I begin the application process?
- You must apply to a specific job opening for which you are interested. To start the application process, you will navigate to a posting for which you are interested and click on the Apply for this Job button found at the top of the posting. You will need to log in or create an account to submit an application.
- It is recommended you review the Application Instructions section of the job posting before you start the application process, to ensure you have the required application materials ready and available for upload.
How long does it typically take to complete the application?
- If materials are prepared, most users complete the application process in less than 20 minutes.
Can I start the application now and finish it at a later time?
- Yes; if you have started an application, you may submit it through the date that the position closes.
What if I don’t have access to a computer?
- Most local libraries have computer access for people who need to complete an online application. In addition, a computer is available in the Department of Human Resources in Engelmann Hall, Room 125. Engelmann Hall is located at 2033 E. Hartford Avenue, on the northeast side of Milwaukee.
Will late applications be accepted?
- No, late applications will not be accepted.
Can I apply for multiple jobs at once?
- You must submit a new application for each position you are interested in applying for.
- After you’ve applied for a position at UW–Milwaukee, your applicant account will save your certain details to make applying for future positions easier. You have the ability to edit this information every time you apply for a position.
What information will I need when applying for a position?
- Review the Application Instructions section of the job posting before you start the application process to ensure you have the required application materials ready and available for upload. Most job postings require a resume and cover letter to be submitted. Sometimes additional materials, such as the names and contact information for references, or a copy of a specific licensure, is required.
Can I email or physically mail my resume and cover letter in place of the online application?
- No. You must apply online. UWM will not consider paper, emailed, or faxed applications.
What file formats are acceptable to submit my resume and/or cover letter?
- You may submit .docx and .pdf files, as well as any of the following acceptable file formats: .rtf, .rtx, .txt, .tiff, .tif, .jpeg, .jpe, .jpg, .png, .xls, .xlsx
How do I know that my application was successfully submitted?
- After you submit an application, you will receive both a confirmation message on the computer screen and an email acknowledging the receipt of your application. Your applicant account will also identify which applications have been successfully submitted.
Can I withdraw my application once I have submitted it for a job?
- Yes; you are able to withdraw your application by navigating to Your Applications. In the Completed Applications, you will see those for which an application has been submitted. Under the Status, you can select Withdraw Application.
I made a mistake and/or want to update something in my application. Is it possible to do so?
- Once an application has been submitted, you are not able to return and edit. If you have made an error in your application, please contact the Position Contact identified in the posting. If the application deadline has not yet passed, they will be able to assist in reactivating your application to make the appropriate updates.
I accidentally withdrew my application but still would like to be considered. How do I reactivate?
- Please contact the Position Contact identified in the posting. If the application deadline has not yet passed, they will be able to assist in reactivating your application.
How does the application screening process work?
- The Search and Screen Committee will review applications and screen the application/resume against the minimum and preferred qualifications listed in the job posting. Those most qualified will be contacted for further consideration/interview.
I have applied for several positions and continue to not be selected...why?
- It is not unusual for us to receive a large applicant pool (upwards of 50 -100 applications) for a given position. Applicants are screened based on the minimum and preferred qualifications identified in the posting. While you may meet the minimum qualifications for the particular position, there may be other applicants who met and/or exceeded the minimum and preferred qualifications for the position. Because of this, you are strongly encouraged to tailor your application materials based on the specific vacancy to which you are applying. Those most qualified are ultimately given the opportunity for an on-campus interview.
I have a disability and need assistance to apply for a job. How do I request an accommodation?
- It is the policy of UWM to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities who are applicants for employment. If you need assistance or accommodation in applying, please contact or (414) 229-4463. Employment opportunities will not be denied because of the need to make reasonable accommodations for a qualified individual’s disability.
Technical Questions
What if I forget my password and/or username?
- In the event you forget your password, you can visit our careers homepage, select “Login” from the left navigation menu, and click the “Forgot My Username/Password?” link on the bottom of the login box. You will be prompted to enter your email address or user name to retrieve your username or set a new password.
What are the supported browsers?
- Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome are preferred browsers. You may receive errors when using Internet Explorer.
I received a system error. What has caused this to occur and what action should I take?
Common reasons for system errors include:
- Too many browser windows open at once. Close all windows but one, then log off and log back in.
- Trying to access the online system using Internet Explorer. To avoid system errors caused by internet browsers, please use Firefox or Chrome.
- Clicking away from a portion of the application without saving, then returning to the same section. You may have clicked away without saving your work, returned to the page, and re-answered a question in a different way, which can create two answers where only one is allowed.
- An uploaded document that is either larger than 5 MB, or in a file type unsupported by our system. To avoid this system error, upload a smaller document or convert your document into an approved file type.
- The document may have an additional feature preventing conversion – such as a digital signature, watermark or password field. See the question above for troubleshooting advice.
- Certain characters in the filename (such as slashes) may prevent the document from uploading. Rename the file with no special characters and try to upload again.
If you are still encountering difficulties after trying these workarounds, please contact the Position Contact with the following information: the posting number, the date/time you applied, the text of the error message, and the username for your applicant account.
Other Questions
I am a student seeking on-campus employment. Where can I apply for student jobs?
- Student Help positions are posted through the website, Handshake, which is hosted by UWM’s Center for Student Experience and Talent.
I am a representative of another company and am seeking to post a position for students and/or recent graduates. Can I post those positions on your web site?
- The Department of Human Resources does not manage external postings. Positions for students or recent graduates can be posted on the website, Handshake, which is hosted by UWM’s Center for Student Experience and Talent.
What should I do if I still have questions?
- For additional questions, contact the HR Department at, or (414) 229-4463.