Navigating Graduate Assistantships at UWM can be complicated. Teaching, Research and Project Assistants work mainly with their home academic programs, but also sometimes need to consult other UWM offices and centers. If you don’t know where to turn, write to the Graduate School at, and our staff will help. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll help you find who does. Be sure to tell us your home program, whether you’re a TA, RA, or PA, and any other information we might need related to your question.
- Teaching Assistant—Instructional positions within your department. Duties can include lecturing, leading discussion sections, grading papers, and developing curriculum.
- Program/Project Assistant—Assigned to conduct training, administrative responsibilities or other academic or academic support projects or programs.
- Research Assistant—Assigned to conduct research that is for the benefit of the student’s own learning and research, and for the benefit of the University or faculty. Research assistants work closely with a member of the faculty on their research.
- Graduate assistants who hold appointments at 33% of full time or more are eligible for remission of tuition for the semester(s) of appointment. Courses covered by the remission must be relevant to the student’s program of study. Students will still be responsible for segregated fees.
- Monthly stipend. See current stipend levels.
- Health insurance eligibility.
Most assistantships are not posted since the number available can change for each department. Some programs cannot offer assistantships. Programs that do offer assistantships decide who is awarded them based on their own process and guidelines. For more information on available assistantships, please contact your program.
For more information on graduate assistantships, please visit the Graduate Assistant Resources page.