Sarah Davies Cordova

  • Professor, Global Studies (French & Francophone Studies)


  • Ph.D, French Literature, UCLA, 1993

Teaching Interests

  • 19th-21st Centuries Antillean and Sub-Saharan Francophone literatures and cultures
  • Literary genres
  • Women's Writings

Research Interests

  • 19th – 21st Centuries French and Francophone literatures and cultures
  • Women's fictional autobiographies and life stories
  • Representations in and of dance of post/colonial (hi)stories


Related Activities

  • Programer & Coordinator, Festival of Films in French
  • Advisor, M.A. in French & Francophone Language, Literature and Culture
  • Co-Organiser, LACUSL Speakers Series
  • Chair, MALLT Coordinating Committee
  • 1997- present, Reviewer, World Literature Today.
  • Chair, Editorial Board, Society of Dance History Scholars (2012-2015)
  • Director, Study Abroad, Paris, France (2013)



Sindiwe Magona, Mère à Mère, Mémoire d’encrier (Montréal: Oct. 2019; Paris: August 2020). 271pp.

- Hippolyte Carnot, Gunima: nouvelle africaine du dix-huitième siècle, Présentation by S. Davies Cordova & Antoinette Sol (UTA), Collection Autrement mêmes (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015). 79pp.
- Honoré de Balzac (sous le pseudonyme d’Horace St Aubin), Le Nègre, Presentation by S. Davies Cordova & Antoinette Sol (UTA), Collection Autrement mêmes (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011). 109pp.
- Aurore Cloteaux (pseudonyme d’Honoré de Balzac et A. Lepoitevin de l’Egreville), Le Mulatre, Presentation by Antoinette Sol (UTA) & S. Davies Cordova, Collection Autrement mêmes (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009). 279pp.

Volume in Series
Guest Editor: Ina Césaire revisitée, in “Statufions et déconfinons!...”, Présence Africaine, Revue culturelle
du monde noir, vol 199-200 (Fall 2020): 88 pp

Selected Articles & Chapters 

--“Decolonial spectatorship and Performances of Contemporary Dance in South Africa: Mamela Nyamza’s
Choreographies of Embodied Politics of Race and Gender in Place”, in e-Rea - Africa 2020: Artistic, Digital, and Political Creation in English-Speaking African Countries, vol 19.1 (2021), dir. Fanny Robles. []

-- “Ending the Haunting, Halting Whisperings of the Unspoken: Confronting the Haitian Past in the Literary
Works of Agnant, Danticat, and Trouillot” in Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition: A Global Dialogue on Historical Trauma and Memory, ed. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (Opladen & Berlin: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2016): 213-33.

-- “African Refugees asunder in South Africa: Performing the Fall-Out of Violence in Every Year, Every Day, I am Walking” Choreographies of 21st Century Wars, Eds. Jens Geirsdorf and Gay Morris. Oxford : Oxford University Press (2016): pp. 85-109.

-- “La Métropole hospitalière? Une interrogation à partir de La Deuxième mort de Toussaint Louverture de
Fabienne Pasquet,” Du nègre Bambara au Négropolitain: Les littératures africaines en contexte transculturel, eds. D. K. Wa Kabwe-Segatti & P. Halen, Collections Littérature des mondes contemporains série “Afriques” 4 (Université Paul Verlaine-Metz: 2009): 117-134.

-- “Raisonner ou résonner ? Expressions de l’Histoire et je(ux) de la mémoire dans les récits féminins
haïtiens contemporains,” Le roman haïtien: intertextualité, parentés, affinités, eds. Yves Chemla
& Alessandro Costantini. Interculturel Francophonies 12 (nov-déc 2007): 123-140.

--“De la littérature haïtienne: travers de mémoire ou allégorie contemporaine” in Ecrire en pays assiégé
Haiti Writing under Siege, eds M.-A. Sourieau & K. Balutansky. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004): 479-499.

--“Echo at Play in Antillean Women’s Generational Memories,” International Journal of the Humanities 2 (2004): 589-598.

-- “The Socio-Politics of Orientalist Representations: Delacroix, Djebar, and the Femmes d’Alger,” Peripheries of 19th Century French Studies: Views from the Edge, ed. Timothy Raser (Cranberry, NJ: Associated University Presses, 2002): 103-118.

World Literature Today (WLT) Recent Book Reviews

  • "Evelyne Trouillot. Les jumelles de la rue Nicolas.” WLT (March-April 2023): 82.
  • "Sindiwe Magona. When the village sleeps.” Featured Review, WLT (Mar-Apr 2022): 60.
  • “Gaël Faye. Petit Pays.” WLT (July-Aug 2018): 78-79.
  • “Véronique Tadjo. En compagnie des hommes.” WLT 91:6 (Nov-Dec 2017): 79-80.

Recent Professional Service

March 11, 2019
Co-organiser and Convener: “From Immigrant to Migrant – The Politics of (French) Hospitality,” in conversation with Azouz Begag, French Minister for the Promotion of Equal Opportunity, Special Collections, UWM

January 25, 2019
Organizer and Convener: Laura Wagner (Duke University) “Bringing Memory Home : The Digital Repatriation of the Archives of Radio Haïti-Inter”, AGSL, UWM

October 2018
Organiser & convener: “A celebration of Petit Pays and its translation Small Country” with Franco-Rwandese Rapper, Composer and Novelist, Gaël Faye, & musical accompaniement by Paul Cebar, Hefter Center, UWM

October 27, 2017
Organiser, “When Words and Images Matter: Challenges to our Times - A Conversation with Christiane Taubira & Raoul Peck”

September 22, 2017
A conversation-presentation with Yanick Lahens: “Writing in Haiti and Telling Stories of Universal Human Truths”, Special Collections, Golda Meir Libraries, UWM

March 15, 2017
A conversation with Carine Kaneza: “Crisis in Burundi”, IWA and FICL, Special Collections, Golda Meir Libraries, UWM

April 12, 2016
A conversation with Kettly Mars: “Parole-femme – Woman’s words from and about Haïti”, Special Collections, UWM Golda Meir Library, UWM

March 22, 2016
In Conversation with Josephine Bacon, Special Collections, Golda Meir Libraries, UWM

March 10, 2015
Conversation with Rodney Saint-Éloi: “What is Francophonie? Haitian and Quebec Perspectives in Conversation and Poetry” with consecutive interpretation by Selima Ben Chagra, Hefter Conference Center, UWM

April 8, 2013
“Writing Past History: A round-table conversation with internationally acclaimed novelists: Myriam Chancy, Louis Philippe Dalembert, Daniel Vyleta,” UWM

November 7, 2013
Organised talk: “Lumumbist Women and the Decolonization of the Congo,” Prof. Karen Bouwer, University of San Francisco

April 13, 2012
Moderator, panel “Post-genocide Rwanda: Restitution, Retribution & Recovery” with Drs Rangira Béa & Tim Gallimore (Step Up!) & Sarah Gendron, Marquette University

March 2012
Co-organiser of International Conference “Haiti 2012 : Dreams & Reality -- pays rêvé, pays reel” with writers L.-P. Dalembert, Y. Lahens, L. Trouillot; film-maker A. Antonin; Art Historian & curator M. Perodin-Jérôme; and artist E. Duval-Carrié, Milwaukee, WI (March 5-9):

Selected Publications

“African Refugees asunder in South Africa: Performing the Fall-Out of Violence in Every Year, Every Day, I am Walking” Choreographies of 21st Century Wars, Eds. Jens Geirsdorf and Gay Morris. Oxford : Oxford University Press (2016): pp. 85-109.
Ecrire, peindre, traduire, Véronique Tadjo, Writing, Painting, Translating. Co-edited with D. Wa Kabwe Segatti. Paris: Cahiers Présence Africaine. (2016). pp 349.

UWM Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge in Milwaukee that we are on traditional Potawatomi, Ho-Chunk and Menominee homeland along the southwest shores of Michigami, North America’s largest system of freshwater lakes, where the Milwaukee, Menominee and Kinnickinnic rivers meet and the people of Wisconsin’s sovereign Anishinaabe, Ho-Chunk, Menominee, Oneida and Mohican nations remain present.   |   To learn more, visit the Electa Quinney Institute website.