All in-person classes, events and activities are canceled Wednesday, Feb. 12, due to the weather forecast. Read the weather notice.

Student GIS Poster Session

UWM GIS Day Student GIS Poster Session Call for Submissions 2022

Registration is now closed for this event.

To encourage and support contributions made by UWM students to the development of geographic information science and technology, the GIS Council at UWM will hold a student GIS project poster session during GIS Days 2022. UWM students are encouraged to participate in this important event. 

The poster session will take place Friday, April 8, 2022. Students will display their posters and discuss their research projects during the poster session.  

The student who has the most exceptional poster will be featured in the Geography Fall 2022 Newsletter.  

Register today!


  • All competition participants must be current students, either undergraduate or graduate, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. All majors and programs welcome.
  • The project could be a class project, a research project, a thesis project, or an internship project related to geographic information science and technology. 
  • Projects that were done in previous years are also eligible to participate in the competition if the projects were completed at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 


Projects must include a printed poster demonstrating a GIScience method, analysis, or development. Posters can discuss a traditional research project, a physical static map, a digital map or web mapping application, or any other project that meets the following criteria: 

  • The project addresses an important topic and effectively uses geospatial technology to analyze data and/or communicate information about the topic.
  • The project demonstrates excellence and innovation in developing and/or applying theories and methods of Geographic Information Science and Technology.
  • The project demonstrates high quality in overall communication of the project goals, accomplishments, and contributions to GIScience.
  • Digital Projects like web maps and web applications must be linked from the poster with a QR Code and/or short link.

Poster Printing Details:

Students are responsible for printing their own poster.

  • Each UWM student has one free poster print per year through UWM Print and Copy Services.
  • To redeem this, go to: and fill out the form on the website.
  • The submitted form must have the student’s instructor’s or advisor’s signature.
  • Printing requests take at least 3 business days. Plan ahead! 
  • If you have already used your free print for the year, please contact Brian Nicholls at as soon as possible. 


Registrations should be filled out right away, but must be submitted before Monday, April 4th at 4:30 PM CDT.

Participants should also register for the GIS Days 2022 event using the main registration form and RSVP for the Friday event and virtual workshops.

Registration is now closed for this event.