In person, Thursday evenings, September 12 – October 10, 6:00 – 7:30 pm.

William Mueller is the Director Emeritus of the Lake Michigan Bird Observatory. He most recently served on the Wisconsin Bird Conservation Partnership’s Steering Committee and was the co-chair of its Issues Committee. He has had many other leadership roles in bird conservation projects, including serving as Conservation Chair of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology (2002 – 2012), co-founder of the Midwest Migration Network, as co-chair of the Midwest Aerial Insectivore Working Group, and as Project Coordinator for the Milwaukee BIOME Project.

The Course:
In less than a single human lifetime, 2.9 billion breeding adult birds have been lost from the United States and Canada, across every ecosystem, and including some of the most abundant and familiar bird species. In this course we will examine how we determine the abundance and distribution of different bird species, for both bird populations in Wisconsin and at the national and international level. State and federal monitoring programs will also be discussed. We will also consider how bird populations have changed, what species are currently “at-risk” and why, and how monitoring programs can be used in management and conservation. We will also review the many organizations that work on studying bird populations. There will be a brief test (optional) during the final class period.

Recommended materials: Please bring a laptop or tablet to the first class. Class handouts will be provided at the first class. Online readings will be given weekly, but there are no required books.

No lodging, accommodations, or food provided.

Workshop fee: $90.00. Available for 0.6 CEU. Not offered for college credit.

Registration: To register using a credit card, click here. For other payment options please contact