Biological Science Professor and MIDD member Ching-Hong Yang was awarded major grant to control citrus tree disease

The project, titled “Evaluate the Effectiveness of RAA, a Natural Metabolite, in Controlling HLB through Foliar Spray and a Combination of RAA with Oxytetracycline via Trunk Injection,” has been awarded a substantial $1.4 million from the USDA, ECDRE program to Professor Ching-Hong Yang.

As the Principal Investigator of this funded award, Professor Yang will lead the research alongside Co-Principal Investigators Nian Wang and Chris Oswalt from the University of Florida. Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by the pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), presents a devastating impact on the U.S. citrus industry, particularly in Florida, leading to substantial economic and employment losses. Research studies show that about 60% of Florida citrus trees are infected by HLB disease within six months of planting. By one year, 100% of citrus trees are infected ( The natural metabolite RejuAgro A (RAA) demonstrated efficacy in reducing HLB severity and enhancing plant health through boosting resistance via pathogenesis-related gene activation, this USDA NIFA award-funded research will investigate RAA’s efficacy in alleviating HLB severity and fruit drop, enhancing fruit yield, and improving juice quality. These are all critical outcomes for citrus trees affected by HLB.