The College of Community Engagement and Professions provides pre- and post-award research administration services to the School of Education, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, and the School of Information Studies.
The Office of Research Administration (HBSSW & SOIS) and the Office of Research Support (SOE) offer a full range of services in support of the three schools’ sponsored research activities, and acts as a liaison between investigators and the UWM Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
Pre-Award Administration
Proposal Development
Contact Proposal Development Services within UWM’s Office of Research for assistance in finding relevant grant opportunities for your research and developing strong proposals with a competitive edge.
Proposal submission
Principal Investigators (PIs) should notify Eric Gresnick (HBSSW & SOIS) or Sarah Osborne (SOE) about their submission as early in the process as possible and no later than 15 business days prior to the sponsors’ due date. When a PI receives an award, the Office of Research Administration will provide post-award management throughout the life cycle of the grant.
Post-Award Administration
Below is a list of ORA’s post-awards services.
Setting up departmental accounts
- Initiate advance account setup (Backstop if needed).
- Serve as a liaison between OSP and the prime funding agency during the negotiation and review of award terms and conditions, scope of work, budget, and timelines.
- Provide budget revisions.
- Initiate sub-award requests to OSP.
Payroll/Time and Payroll Certification (Effort Reporting)
- Track faculty and staff-sponsored effort and provide grant numbers to the business office for time to be paid on sponsored projects.
Account Monitoring
- Reconcile grant expenses to the awarded budget (i.e., WISER matches with award budget).
- Review and track subrecipient’s invoices and follow up with PI for approval.
- Provide PIs with financial updates and discuss options for re-budgeting.
- Assist with Progress Reports, Non-Competing Grant Progress Reports, No-Cost Extensions, and any financial reporting requirements.
- Assist with agreements for cost sharing, indirect splits, and data sharing.
Cost Share
- Track voluntary and committed cost share or matching funds committed on projects
Account Close-out
- Assist PIs and OSP with award close out (Final Report, Invention Statement and FSR).
Office of Research Support
School of Education
Sarah Osborne
- 414-229-3024
- Enderis Hall, 517
Office of Research Administration
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare and School of Information Studies
Eric Gresnick, MA, CRA
- 414-229-2486
- Enderis Hall, 1189
Mary Heller, BBA
Program Coordinator
- 414-229-4895
- Enderis Hall, 1185
Debbie Schmidt
Research Administrator
- 414-229-6096
- Enderis Hall, 1181
Resources & Links
Policies and Procedures
- Office of Research Administration Submission Policy (PDF)
- UWM Institutional Review Board
- Office of Research
- NIH Grants Policy Statement
- Funding Opportunities
Research-Related Links
- Research Development at UWM
- Office of Sponsored Programs Frequently Requested Institutional Information
- Office of Sponsored Programs Staff Directory
- UWM Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Project-Based Payroll Certification
- NCURA TV Edition: Your Faculty Member’s Engagement with Industry: Consultant vs Contractual
Contact the College Administrative Staff if you have questions about:
- Hiring new employees to work on a sponsored project
- Non-sponsored account management (ex. 150 and 189 fund types)
- P-card reallocation
- Purchasing
- Space allocation
- Travel