The College of Community Engagement and Professions provides pre- and post-award research administration services to the School of Education, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, and the School of Information Studies.

The Office of Research Administration (HBSSW & SOIS) and the Office of Research Support (SOE) offer a full range of services in support of the three schools’ sponsored research activities, and acts as a liaison between investigators and the UWM Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).

As of July 1, 2023, the Office of Research Administration in the College of Community Engagement & Professions replaced the Shared Office for Administration of Research (SOAR) for the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare and the School of Information Studies.

Pre-Award Administration

Proposal Development

Contact Proposal Development Services within UWM’s Office of Research for assistance in finding relevant grant opportunities for your research and developing strong proposals with a competitive edge.

Proposal submission

Principal Investigators (PIs) should notify Eric Gresnick (HBSSW & SOIS) or Sarah Osborne (SOE) about their submission as early in the process as possible and no later than 15 business days prior to the sponsors’ due date. When a PI receives an award, the Office of Research Administration will provide post-award management throughout the life cycle of the grant.

Post-Award Administration

Below is a list of ORA’s post-awards services.

Setting up departmental accounts

  • Initiate advance account setup (Backstop if needed).
  • Serve as a liaison between OSP and the prime funding agency during the negotiation and review of award terms and conditions, scope of work, budget, and timelines.
  • Provide budget revisions.
  • Initiate sub-award requests to OSP.

Payroll/Time and Payroll Certification (Effort Reporting)

  • Track faculty and staff-sponsored effort and provide grant numbers to the business office for time to be paid on sponsored projects.

Account Monitoring

  • Reconcile grant expenses to the awarded budget (i.e., WISER matches with award budget).
  • Review and track subrecipient’s invoices and follow up with PI for approval.
  • Provide PIs with financial updates and discuss options for re-budgeting.
  • Assist with Progress Reports, Non-Competing Grant Progress Reports, No-Cost Extensions, and any financial reporting requirements.
  • Assist with agreements for cost sharing, indirect splits, and data sharing.

Cost Share

  • Track voluntary and committed cost share or matching funds committed on projects

Account Close-out

  • Assist PIs and OSP with award close out (Final Report, Invention Statement and FSR).


Office of Research Support
School of Education

Sarah Osborne

Office of Research Administration
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare and School of Information Studies

Eric Gresnick, MA, CRA

Mary Heller, BBA
Program Coordinator

Debbie Schmidt
Research Administrator

Resources & Links


Contact the College Administrative Staff if you have questions about:

  • Hiring new employees to work on a sponsored project
  • Non-sponsored account management (ex. 150 and 189 fund types)
  • P-card reallocation
  • Purchasing
  • Space allocation
  • Travel