Students walking on campus.

The College of Community Engagement & Professions is committed to quality graduate and undergraduate education.

Our teaching and research – rooted in innovation, creative problem-solving, and community – sets our graduates up to inspire, innovate, and excel in their professions.

Students collaborate in Candace Doerr-Stevens’ class, Curriculum & Instruction 547: Curricular Applications of the Internet.

Inspiring students to lead in their professional lives and within their communities.

The future is integrated. Tomorrow’s professionals will need the knowledge and skills to think critically about social and economic justice issues.

Whether they work in education, social welfare or information studies after graduation, College of Community Engagement and Professions students learn the value of collaboration and will be better prepared to lead successful careers and become engaged citizens in their communities.

Mission Statement

The College of Community Engagement and Professions prepares students to excel in their professional lives and to enrich their communities.

CCEP Diversity Statement

The College of Community Engagement and Professions is committed to social justice through the promotion of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in all its forms.


Administrative Offices

Tina Freiburger, PhDCollege of Community Engagement & Professions, Deanfreiburg@uwm.edu414-229-4400
Tiffany MercerCollege of Community Engagement & Professions, Dean’s Assistantmercert@uwm.edu414-251-5172
Andrew Davis, PhDSchool of Education, Associate Dean & Head of Schooldavis838@uwm.edu414-251-7085
Lisa Berger, PhDHelen Bader School of Social Welfare, Associate Dean & Head of Schoollberger@uwm.edu414-229-6620
Jeremy Page, PhDAssistant Deanpagejd@uwm.edu414-229-4153
Jessica RussellAssistant Deanrusselj@uwm.edu414-229-7006
Chad Zahrt, MLISAssistant Dean of Student Affairszahrt@uwm.edu414-229-4707
Rebecca HallDirector of Marketingrjhall@uwm.edu414-251-5933
