Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers, popular annual guests of the Celtic Studies Fall Semester Kick-Off Céilí, are hosting special classes – perfect for UWM students! The classes will be held Thursdays @ 7:30pm-9:00pm at Zao Church Gym right across the street from the UWM Student Union!
Thursday night classes will run from February 1st through May 9th (will not meet 3/21 or 3/28) and are very affordable. Class costs are solely for the facility rental and will be pay-what-you-can at each class (suggested $3-5 cash).
Scottish country dance is not only a good way to be involved in an organization that could lead to local scholarship opportunities, but is also a wonderful workout, a fun and inexpensive way to end the week, and an activity to enjoy with friends! Classes are not exclusive to UWM students, but these sessions are aimed at making Scottish country dance accessible to interested students and professionals. This is a rare opportunity to enjoy this great, historical, and contemporary activity taking over college campuses right on the edge of our own UWM campus.
At CCS, we always enjoy the annual chance to learn from and dance with the Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers in September. Try for yourself on Thursday nights this spring semester!
Teacher: Rebecca Renee Winnie is fully certificated by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) after a full career as a music educator. She teaches with the Milwaukee and Madison Scottish Country Dancers. Questions can be emailed to Rebecca at