C21’s broad range of publications confirms its leadership in the academic community in the United States and abroad. The books in our most recent series with the University of Minnesota Press, and in our earlier series, 21st Century Studies and Theories of Contemporary Culture, with Indiana University Press originate from conferences sponsored by C21 or are authored by scholars affiliated with the Center.
University of Minnesota Press Series (UMN)
The books in this series originated from the Center’s annual conferences and symposiums and were edited by Center directors and Fellows. Each publication centers around the Center’s theme for that year’s programming.
The books in this series originated from the Center’s annual conferences and symposiums and were edited by Center directors, Fellows, and other top scholars in their fields.
Theories of Contemporary Culture Series
Our Theories of Contemporary Culture series included edited collections and single-author books by various 20th and 21st-century studies scholars.
From 1984 through 2011, the Center published a Working Papers series that provided scholars the ability to pre-publish their research. A list of Working Papers can be found here.
Thinking C21 was a blog that served as a space for the convergence of the university and public spheres, where intellectual examinations of the contemporary and the past taking place within the academy enriched our understanding of the present moment as it extended beyond the academy. Contributors brought their research and knowledge of specific histories, theories, methodologies, and disciplines to bear on current events and questions of broad concern.
From 2022 to 2024, C21 experimented with an “unconference” format that allowed for the work and efforts of three (or more) different conferences to run concurrently across a few years. This intentionally broke from the traditional one year: one conference: one book format to create more points for participation, more time for reflection, and a wider range of deliverables. With its longevity and diversity, we envisioned this programming as a rolling symposia.
The Interactive Book Club (Spring 2022) served as a resource to promote discussion, collaboration, and exploration in line with the topics of each roundtable in C21’s Lonely No More series, Each edition comes with guest recommendations from panelists, discussion questions, and other relative resources.
See the Lonely No More! Interactive Book Club series below:
From 2019-2020, former C21 graduate fellow Mallory Zink headed C21’s first podcast series, Inside C21. Inside C21 was a podcast that explored research in the humanities that would help listeners make sense of the 21st century. Music for the podcast included songs by former C21 graduate fellow Allain Daigle, and the guests of the show featured speakers and C21 faculty fellows hosted by the Center.