Slow Silencing – Panel Discussion with Fanana Banana
March 12 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location TBD.
Join the Center for 21st Century Studies and the Muslim Milwaukee Project for a panel discussion with members of Fanana Banana, a Milwaukee-based collective of Muslim and MENA (Middle East and North African) artists.
This event is free and open to the public. Additional details forthcoming.
Panelist Amal Azzam is a Muslim American Artist from the Midwest. Her work reflects the layers of trauma, freedom and misconceptions she carries within her identity. Amal experiments with wearables, screen printing, found objects and photography to express her ideas on the inner struggles of her identity.
Additional panelists TBD.
Featured image: Fanana Banana founding member Amal Azzam in her “All Eyes on Me” piece.